方法:回顾性分析2016-07-01/2017-06-30因申请驾驶执照在我院眼科接受视野检查的单眼视力障碍受检者的资料,均采用Humphrey自定义功能设置覆盖了从颞侧90°到鼻部60°、水平中线上下30°区域的检查程序,并设置相应的可靠性检测试验(“1 EYE Screening”程序检查),综合分析受检者的视野范围和测试的可靠性。
结果:排除重复测量报告后,本研究纳入单眼视力障碍受检者618例,单眼视力障碍最常见的原因是眼外伤(49.7%)和弱视(29.3%),受检者中有497例(80.4%)通过了测试,121例未通过测试者中有85例(70.2%)是由于鼻视野受限(小于60°),12例是因为眼球震颤或配合欠佳导致固视丢失。与测试失败组相比,通过组受检者年龄更大,人均正确应答点数更多,人均测试时间更短(均P<0.05)。通过组中,等效球镜度<0.5D的受试者占比明显高于失败组中的(77.5% vs 62.8%, χ2=7.264,P=0.007)。
结论:Humphrey 自定义检查程序“1 EYE Screening”可用于判断单眼视力障碍的驾驶执照申请者视野是否达到150°。
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AIM: To evaluate visual field of the unilateral visually impaired applicants by a custom program test of Humphrey perimeter, which was indispensable for car driving.
METHODS: A retrospective study was performed. The process of a custom defined Humphrey ‘1 EYE Screening' program was set covers field region from temporal 90° to nasal 60°, and over 30° vertically away from the horizontal line. The candidates were qualified eligibility by range of visual field and reliability of the results. This study conducted statistics on the applicants who fulfilled the test from July 1st, 2016 to June 30th, 2017, and compared the impact factors of the pass rate.
RESULTS: After excluding repeated measurement reports, this study included 618 subjects, the most common causes of these eyes impaired were ocular trauma(49.7%)and unhealed amblyopia(29.3%). A total of 497 candidates(80.4%)passed the test. 85 of the 121 failure cases(70.2%)were due to a limitation of the nasal visual field(less than 60°), and 12 cases were failed by fixation loss because of nystagmus or poor cooperation. Compared with the test failure group, the subjects in the passing group are older, the average correct response points is more, and the average test time is shorter, all with statistically significant differences(P<0.05). In the passing group, the proportion of subjects with equivalent spherical mirror <0.5D was 77.5%, which was significantly higher than 62.8% in the failure group(χ2=7.264, P=0.007).
CONCLUSION: The custom program ‘1 EYE Screening' of Humphrey perimetry can be used to qualify eligibility of driving for unilateral visual impaired applicants. In order to prevent peripheral interfering from eye frames, corneal contact lenses were recommended for applicants with refractive errors.