眼部蠕形螨感染主要表现为眼表疾病,具体包括睑板腺功能障碍、干眼症、蠕形螨性睑缘炎、霰粒肿、角结膜炎等。其诊断相对简单,在显微镜下就可以实现诊断; 但是由于疾病症状相似、检查遗漏、经验诊疗等主客观因素,该病易被误诊。眼部蠕形螨感染的治疗手段丰富,包括外用茶树油等植物提取物、口服或外用药物、物理疗法(以强脉冲光疗法、艾灸疗法为代表)、联合治疗等。本文就蠕形螨相关性眼表疾病及相应诊断、治疗作一综述,以探讨该病最新研究动态。
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Ocular Demodex infection is mainly manifested as ocular surface diseases, including meibomian gland dysfunction, dry eye disease, Demodex blepharitis, chalazion, keratoconjunctivitis, etc. The diagnosis is relatively simple and can be realized under the microscope, but it is easy to be misdiagnosed due to the subjective and objective factors such as similar symptoms, missing examination, experience diagnosis and treatment. There are many treatment methods for ocular Demodex infection, including external tea tree oil and other plant extracts, oral or external drugs, physical therapy(represented by strong pulse light therapy, moxibustion therapy), combined therapy, etc. In this paper, we reviewed the diagnosis and treatment of Demodex related ocular surface diseases, and discussed the latest research trends of this disease.
国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(No.30772824,81574031); 中医药防治五官科疾病湖南省重点实验室建设项目(No.2017TP1018); 国家中医药管理局中医眼科学重点学科建设项目(No.ZK1801YK015); 湖南省中医药防治眼耳鼻咽喉疾病与视功能保护工程技术研究中心建设项目(No.2018TP2008); 湖南省中医五官科学重点学科建设项目; 湖南中医药大学中医学国内一流建设学科项目