方法:前瞻性选取2017-01/2019-08于我院眼科接受白内障超声乳化吸除联合IOL植入术的年龄相关性白内障患者82例96眼,根据术中植入的IOL类型分为观察组(46例53眼,植入Oculentis MF30区域折射型多焦点IOL)和对照组(36例43眼,植入ADAPT AO非球面单焦点IOL)。比较两组患者术后3mo的全程视力和视觉质量。
结果:术后3mo,与对照组相比,观察组近、中视力显著改善,对比敏感度显著提高,调制传递函数截止频率、斯特列尔比、客观调节幅度以及模拟视力显著增加,VF-12-CN评分显著降低(38.16±4.05分 vs 45.72±4.69分),脱镜率评分(11.38±1.04分 vs 9.23±0.87分)和手术满意度评分(3.57±0.36分 vs 3.32±0.31分)显著升高(P<0.05)。年龄>65岁、文盲、好眼裸眼远视力≥0.1(LogMAR)、植入非球面单焦点IOL是导致白内障患者生活质量下降的影响因素。
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AIM: To contrast the visual acuity and visual quality after implantation of regional refraction multifocal IOL and aspheric unifocal IOL.
METHODS: The study enrolled 82 cases(96 eyes)of age-related cataract patients, underwent phacoemulsification surgery in our hospital. According to the intraoperative intraocular lens implantation type, they were divided into two groups: the observation group(46 cases, 53 eyes, implanted with Oculentis MF30 regional refractive multifocal IOL)and the control group(36 cases, 43 eyes, implanted with ADAPT AO aspherical unifocal IOL). The total visual acuity and visual quality 3mo after operation were compared between the two groups.
RESULTS: Three months after surgery, compared with the control group, the observation group had significantly improved near and middle vision, significantly increased contrast sensitivity, significantly increased modulation transfer function cutoff frequency, Strehl ratio, objective scatter index and OQAS values, significantly decreased VF-12-CN score(38.16±4.05 vs 45.72±4.69), and significantly increased desorption rate score(11.38±1.04 vs 9.23±0.87)and surgical satisfaction score(3.57±0.36 vs 3.32±0.31)(P<0.05). Age >65 years old, illiteracy, uncorrected distant visual acuity of good eye ≥0.1(LogMAR), implantation of aspheric unifocal IOL are the influencing factors of the quality of life of cataract patients.
CONCLUSION: Compared with aspheric unifocal IOL, Oculentis regional refraction multifocal IOL can provide good overall vision in the short term after operation, and the contrast sensitivity, visual quality, quality of life, glasses removal rate and satisfaction are significantly improved.