结果:5~11岁近视儿童的年龄与身高、体质量、BMI、SE、眼轴有一定相关性(rs=0.853、0.776、0.291、-0.274、0.312,均P<0.05),与骨龄差无相关性(rs =0.045,P>0.05)。在5~11岁的近视儿童中,40.5%儿童骨龄超前,40.2%儿童骨龄差在正常范围,19.3%儿童骨龄落后(χ2=21.576,P<0.05)。在5~11岁的近视儿童中,男童占46.3%,女童占53.7%(χ2=17.322,P<0.01),其中在骨龄超前的儿童中,女童的比例高于男童。
[Key word]
AIM:To explore the relationship among bone age, age, height, weight and ocular biological parameters of myopic children in Whenzhou.
METHODS: Totally 410 cases(820 eyes)of myopic children with age distribution of 5-11 years old were collected. The height, weight, bone age and axial length(AL)of each child were measured, and body mass index(BMI)was calculated. Refractive was measured by medical optometry after rapid mydriasis, and the spherical equivalent(SE)was calculated. Children of each age group were divided into groups according to bone age difference(biological age-life age), and the prevalence of myopia in each group was statistically analyzed and compared among different bone age groups.
RESULTS: There was an association among the age, height, weight, BMI, SE and axis length(rs=0.853, 0.776, 0.291, -0.274 and 0.312; P<0.05). There was no significant correlation between the age and the bone age(rs=0.045, P>0.05). 40.5% of myopic children are ahead of their bone age, 40.2% of them are in the normal range, 19.3% of them are behind(χ2=21.576, P<0.05). Among the myopic children aged 5-11, 46.3% were boys and 53.7% were girls(χ2=17.322, P<0.01). The proportion of girls was much higher than boys in children with advanced bone age.
CONCLUSION: There was an association between the age and height, weight, BMI, SE, axis length in Whenzhou. Among the children with low age myopia, there are more children with advanced bone age, especially girls.