本文系统介绍了视雪综合征(visual snow syndrome,VSS),这是一种无明确原因,表现为无数闪烁的小点持续存在于整个视野中,并可能伴有后像、内视、畏光、夜盲的视觉现象。目前已经有文献对该疾病进行了临床及病理生理学研究,最新的文献资料中,更倾向于视雪综合征是一种视觉处理功能障碍,需与偏头痛等疾病相鉴别。在治疗方面,目前多是试验性研究,有病例报道显示抗癫痫、抗抑郁药、乙酰唑胺等和有色滤光片对缓解患者症状可能有积极作用。
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A systematic review of visual snow syndrome(VSS)was introduced in this article. Scientists don't know what caused visual snow syndrome for sure, but studies have shown that patients with VSS experience continuous television-static-like tiny flickering dots in the entire visual field and additional visual symptoms such as palinopsia, entoptic phenomena or photophobia or nyctalopia. Literature in recent years on the clinical and pathophysiological researches of VSS was reported, and in the latest literature, the VSS was more inclined to be seen as a visual processing disorder. It should be distinguished from the migraine and other diseases. In terms of treatment, current studies focused on experimental studies. Some case reports showed that anti-Seizure medications, antidepressants, or acetazolamide and colored filter-sheet may be effective in eliminating symptoms.