结果:非调节状态下,正视组(16.54±2.12mmHg)、稳定性近视组(17.15±2.23mmHg)、进展性近视组(16.88±2.37mmHg)间眼压无差异(P>0.05); 正视组、低度近视组(16.41±2.21mmHg)、中度近视组(17.11±2.27mmHg)、高度近视组(17.60±2.35mmHg)间眼压无差异(P>0.05); 诱导3D调节后,进展性近视组和高度近视组眼压变化量明显上升(P<0.05),正视组、稳定性近视组、低度近视组、中度近视组眼压变化量下降不明显(P>0.05)。
结论:眼调节可引起进展性近视眼或高度近视眼患者眼压升高; 眼调节诱导的眼压升高可能和成年人近视持续性发展有关。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the effect of IOP of emmetropes and different types of myopia induced by accommodation.
METHODS: A descriptive study. A total of 88 volunteers were included from January to April 2018. Among them, 28(28 eyes)were in the emmetropia group, 60(60 eyes)were in the myopia group, and the myopia group was divided into stable myopia group(myopia progression is less than or equal to 0.50D per year in the past two years)and progressive myopia group(myopia progression is greater than 0.50D per year in the past two years)according to the refractive stability. Meanwhile, the myopia group was also divided into three groups according to the degree of myopia: low myopia group(-0.5D≤SE<-3D), moderate myopia group(-3D≤SE<-6D)and high myopia group(SE≥-6D). A rebound tonometer was used to measure the IOPs of all subjects while relaxed(0D)and accommodated(3D). Statistical analysis was performed on IOPs before and after accommodate.
RESULTS: There was no significant difference in IOPs among emmetropia group(16.54±2.12mmHg), stable myopia group(17.15±2.23mmHg)and progressive myopia group(16.88±2.37mmHg)when relaxed(P>0.05), so did the emmetropia group, low myopia group(16.41±2.21mmHg), moderate myopia group(17.11±2.27mmHg)and high myopia group(17.60±2.35mmHg)(P>0.05). The IOPs of progressive myopia group and high myopia group were significantly increased with 3D accommodation(P<0.05). However, the IOPs did not drop significantly in stable myopia group, low myopia group and moderate myopia group(P>0.05).
CONCLUSION: Accommodation could increase the IOPs of progressing myopes and high myopes, and it suggested that the increase of IOP was related to the progression of adult myopia.