近年基于扫频光学相干断层扫描(SS-OCT)技术的光学生物测量仪逐渐用于眼科临床,较既往的部分相干干涉(PCI)等技术的生物测量仪具有更高信噪比、更长扫频光波长、更好组织穿透力、扫描速度更快的优点,白内障患者的眼轴长度(AL)检出率更好等优势。本文主要就目前临床上使用更为广泛的基于SS-OCT技术的光学生物测量仪IOL Master 700在白内障中应用的研究进展进行综述。
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In recent years, ocular biometers based on swept-source optical coherence tomography(SS-OCT)technology have emerged in ophthalmic practice. Compared with the earlier ocular biometers such as the partially coherent interference(PCI)based ones, the SS-OCT based devices have a higher signal-to-noise ratio, greater swept light wavelength, better tissue penetration, faster scanning speed, and better axial length(AL)detection rate for cataract patients. This review aims to summarize the advances of a widely used SS-OCT based device-IOL Master 700 in cataract.
四川省卫计委重点课题项目(No.18ZD022); 南充市校合作重大攻关项目(No.18SXHZ0492)