结果:患者85例均无术中、术后并发症。研究组的角膜上皮平均愈合时间为2.84±0.43d,与对照组3.12±0.64d相比有差异(P<0.05)。两组患者术后3d内的症状(疼痛、刺激、异物感和溢泪)有显著性差异(P<0.05)。两组内术前和术后2wk,1,3mo之间的角膜内皮细胞形态改变无差异(P>0.05); 两组间各对应时间点的角膜内皮细胞形态也均无差异(P>0.05)。两组间术前、术后2wk,1mo的最佳矫正视力(BCVA)无差异(P>0.05),但术后3mo的BCVA有差异(P<0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM: To introduce a technique to improve the excision of primary pterygium and evaluate the surgical outcomes.
METHODS: Recorded of consecutive cases were reviewed of pterygium patients treated with pterygium removal between March 2015 and February 2016 in People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. Primary nasal pterygium patients with at least 3mo follow-up periods were included. Finally, 85 patients(85 eyes)were investigated, 44 eyes were operated with 20% ethanol(the study group)and 41 eyes were operated without 20% ethanol(the control group).
RESULTS: All of the 85 patients enrolled had no intraoperative and postoperative complications. The mean healing time of the corneal epithelium for the study group was statistically significant different of 2.84±0.43d compared with the control group of 3.12±0.64d(P<0.05). Overall, postoperative symptoms(pain, irritation, foreign body sensation and epiphora)were significantly different in postoperative 3d between the two groups(P<0.05). No statistically significant differences in corneal endothelium morphologies were found in two groups between preoperative and 2wk, 1 and 3mo postoperative, or between the two groups at any corresponding time point(all P>0.05). Between the two groups, there were no statistically significant differences in best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA)at preoperative, postoperative 2wk and 1mo(all P>0.05), but statistically significant difference was found in BCVA at the 3mo after surgery(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: The removal of primary pterygium with 20% ethanol is a simple and safe technique that helps to establish a clear separation plane between the pterygium and the underlying cornea.
广西壮族自治区卫生健康委员会自筹经费科研课题(No.Z20200830); 广西医疗卫生适宜技术开发与推广应用项目(No.S2019084); 广西眼科疾病临床医学研究中心(No.桂科AD19245193)