糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)一直被认为是微血管病变。然而,大量的研究已经证实,DR不仅会引起视网膜的血管病变,也会引起视网膜神经退行性改变。越来越多的证据也表明,在DR早期未发生视网膜血管病变之前就已经出现了视网膜神经变性,且视网膜神经变性可能参与了微血管异常的发生发展。目前,糖尿病视网膜神经变性的机制尚不十分明确,现就近年来糖尿病视网膜神经变性机制的研究进展做一综述。
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Diabetic retinopathy(DR)has always been considered as microangiopathy. However, a large number of studies have confirmed that DR can not only cause retinal angiopathy, but also cause retinal neurodegeneration. Recently, more and more evidence also shows that retinal neurodegeneration occurred before retinal angiopathy in the early stage of DR, and retinal neurodegeneration may be involved in the occurrence and development of microvascular abnormalities. At present, the mechanism of diabetic retinal neurodegeneration is not very clear. This paper reviews the research progress on the mechanism of diabetic retinal neurodegeneration in recent years.
国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.81660162); 遵义市科技计划项目\〖No.遵市科合(2018)4号,遵市科合平台ZH(2019)2号\〗