方法:采用回顾性病例观察研究设计。纳入2019-10/12于深圳市眼科医院接受晶状体囊外摘除,经超声乳化吸出联合人工晶状体植入术的白内障患者60例60眼,根据眼轴长度(axial length,AL)分为两组:高度近视长眼轴组(AL>26.00mm)和正常眼轴组(AL:22.00~24.5mm)各30例30眼。分别于术后1、7、30d用AS-OCT测量两组白内障术后人工晶状体光学面与后囊膜之间围成的空间平面面积(AREAP)和未贴附残留后囊膜的边长。采用Kaplan-Meier生存分析法分析两组术后不同时间点的人工晶状体与后囊膜贴附率,Log-Rank检验法比较贴附率。
结果:正常眼轴组术后1、7、30d的AREAP分别为0.81±0.37、0.33±0.19、0.14±0.06mm2,未贴附后囊膜边长分别为7.93±3.03、3.95±2.44、1.26±0.08mm,人工晶状体光学面与后囊膜贴附率分别为33%、67%、83%; 高度近视长眼轴组术后1、7、30d的AREAP分别为3.29±0.43、1.54±0.66、0.62±0.28mm2,未贴附后囊膜的边长分别为13.56±4.02、8.13±3.90、3.78±2.51mm,人工晶状体光学面与后囊膜贴附率分别为0、7%、23%。两组术后各时间点AREAP、未贴附后囊膜边长、人工晶状体光学面与后囊膜贴附率均有差异(P<0.05)。
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AIM: To quantify and evaluate the capsular adhesion to intraocular lens(IOL)in subjects with high myopia by the latest anterior segment optical coherence tomography(AS-OCT).
METHODS: Retrospective case observation study was designed. Sixty eyes of 60 patients who received extra-capsular extraction combined with IOL implantation in Shenzhen Eye Hospital from October 2019 to December 2019 were divided into two groups by axial length(AL), of which 30 eyes were highly myopic(AL>26mm)and 30 eyes were emmetropic(22mmRESULTS: In the emmetropic group, the AREAP was(0.81±0.37),(0.33±0.19)and(0.14±0.06)mm2 at 1, 7, and 30d after operation, respectively. The residual side lengths of posterior capsule not adhesion were(7.93±3.03),(3.95±2.44)and(1.26±0.08)mm. The ratios of posterior capsule attached to IOL were 33%, 67% and 83%. In the highly myopic group, the AREAP were(3.29±0.43),(1.54±0.66)and(0.62±0.28)mm2 at 1, 7, and 30d postoperatively, respectively. The residual side lengths of posterior capsule not adhesion were(13.56±4.02),(8.13±3.90)and(3.78±2.51)mm. The ratios of posterior capsule attached to IOL were 0, 7% and 23%. There were statistically significant differences between the two groups in AREAP, residual side lengths of posterior capsule not adhesion and the ratios of posterior capsule attached to IOL(P<0.05).CONCLUSION: There is more space between posterior capsule and IOL after cataract surgery in highly myopic patients. The new generation of AS-OCT can clearly display the image of the posterior capsule of the lens, which is expected to be an effective examination device for the study of lens-related diseases.