方法: 本研究为回顾性研究,选取2020-02/08在陆军军医大学第一附属医院门诊随访的配戴角膜塑形镜的中小学生77名,问卷调查统计疫情期间(2020-02/05)和学校期间(2020-05/08)网课时间、堂课时间、非学习使用电子产品时间、户外活动时间、作业时间、睡眠时间等,测量疫情期间和学校期间眼轴(AL)长度的变化,分析上网课对儿童眼轴增长和近视的影响。
结果:小学组疫情期每天上网课和学校期每天上堂课的时间分别为2.69±1.02、4.07±0.78h(P<0.001),近距离用眼总时间分别为6.67±1.82、6.31±1.19h(P=0.246); 中学组疫情期每天上网课和学校期每天上堂课时间分别为4.35±1.59、6.33±0.66h(P<0.001),近距离用眼总时间分别为9.19±2.46、7.85±0.81h(P=0.010)。小学组疫情期间和学校期间右眼AL增长分别为0.15±0.09、0.06±0.06mm(P<0.001),左眼AL增长分别为0.12±0.16、0.07±0.09mm(P=0.048)。中学组疫情期和学校期间右眼AL增长分别为0.08±0.08、0.05±0.05mm(P=0.242),左眼AL增长分别为0.13±0.09、0.04±0.06mm(P<0.001)。研究结果表明疫情期间近距离使用电子产品的时间和用眼总时间明显增加,眼轴增长较学校期间加快,近视度数快速增加。
[Key word]
AIM: To study the effect of intensive online courses on myopia in primary and middle school students with orthokeratology-lens during Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19)epidemic.
METHODS:A total of 77 children in myopia with orthokeratology lens in outpatients from February to August 2020 were included in the study. Take a questionnaire to statistics times spending on online course, school class, playing digital electronic good, outdoor activity, homework, sleeping during the COVID-19 epidemic and school time, and analyze the differences of axial length(AL)variation between the COVID-19 epidemic and school time.
RESULTS:For elementary school students, the time spending on online course and school class were 2.69±1.02h and 4.07±0.78h per day respectively(P<0.001), 6.67±1.82h and 6.31±1.19h per day were spent on short-distance use of eyes during the COVID-19 period and school time, respectively(P<0.001). For middle school students, the time spending on online course and school class were 4.35±1.59h and 6.33±0.66h per day respectively(P<0.001), 9.19±2.46h and 7.85±0.81h per day were spent on short-distance use of eyes(P=0.010)during the COVID-19 period and school time, respectively. For elementary school students, the average increase of right eye AL were 0.15±0.09mm and 0.06±0.06mm(P<0.001), the increase of left eye AL were 0.12±0.16mm and 0.07±0.09mm(P=0.048)during the COVID-19 period and school time, respectively. For middle school students, the average increase of right eye were AL 0.08±0.08mm and 0.05±0.05mm(P=0.242), and the average increase of left eye AL were 0.13±0.09mm and 0.04±0.06mm(P<0.001)during the COVID-19 period and school time, respectively. The results showed that both the time of short-distance use of digital electronic product and totally time on close visual study increased significantly during the epidemic period, the growth of AL was faster than that in school time, and the myopia increased rapidly.
CONCLUSION:During the COVID-19 epidemic, intensive online lessons resulted in the time of short-distance use of digital electronic product increase significantly. Meanwhile, the AL growth accelerates significantly compared with that during school time and finally lead to myopia increased.