光学相干断层扫描血管成像(optical coherence tomography angiography, OCTA)作为一项近年来兴起的新型成像技术,具有非侵入性、快速、高分辨率等特点。相比于传统的造影检查,OCTA更加快速、安全且避免了传统造影剂带来的副作用和风险。如今OCTA已经逐渐应用于眼科疾病的诊疗与随访。通过对视网膜脉络膜血管的实时成像,可以用于观察疾病如糖尿病视网膜病变、脉络膜新生血管等的进展。本文就OCTA在糖尿病视网膜病变的临床应用研究进展进行综述。
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Optical coherence tomography angiography(OCTA), as a new imaging technology that has emerged in recent years, is characterized by non-invasiveness, high speed and high resolution. Compared with traditional contrast examination, OCTA is faster, safer and avoids the side effects and risks of traditional contrast agents. Now, OCTA has been gradually applied in the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of eye diseases. Through real-time imaging of retinal choroidal blood vessels, this article reviews the research progress of clinical application of OCTA in diabetic retinopathy.