方法:采取随机整群抽样方法,2019-01/11调查包头市市区及牧区共26所小学中7~14岁学生视力情况,并发放近视相关因素调查问卷2 000份,最终形成有效问卷1 630份,建立近视数据库,进行统计学分析。
结果: 受调查学生31 080人中近视人数共14 845人,近视率为47.8%(14845/31080)。其中男生近视率44.3%(6912/15609),女生近视率51.3%(7933/15471)。市区近视率50.4%(9310/18489),牧区的近视率44.0%(5535/12591),汉族近视率48.0%(13185/27442),蒙古族近视率44.6%(1149/2576),其他民族近视率48.1%(511/1062),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。11、12、13、14岁市区小学生近视率分别为51.9%(1333/2568)、62.8%(1671/2662)、72.0%(3415/4740)、45.4%(704/1551); 牧区小学生近视率分别为46.5%(938/2019)、58.0%(1089/1877)、68.3%(1557/2279)、36.2%(338/934); 11~14岁市区小学生近视率均高于牧区(P<0.05)。其中做眼保健操、喜食蔬菜水果为保护因素,地区、年级、趴着读书、弱光下读写或使用电子产品、父母近视、父亲文化程度均为近视危险因素。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the current situation of myopia among pupils in Baotou and analyze the factors related to myopia, so as to provide data support and theoretical basis for myopia prevention and control in education and health departments.
METHODS: A random cluster sampling method was adopted to investigate the vision situation of students aged 7-14 in 26 primary schools in the urban and pastoral areas of Baotou from January to November 2019, 2000 questionnaires on myopia-related factors were distributed, and 1630 valid questionnaires were finally formed, and a myopia database was established for statistical analysis.
RESULTS: There were 14 845 myopia among the 31 080 students surveyed, and the myopia rate was 47.8%(14845/31080). Among them, the myopia rate of boys was 44.3%(6912/15609), and that of girls was 51.3%(7933/15471). The myopia rate in urban areas was 50.4%(9310/18489)and in pastoral were as was 44.0%(5535/12591). The myopia rate of Han nationality was 48.0%(13185/27442), and of Mongolian nationality was 44.6%(1149/2576), the other ethnic groups was 48.1%(511/1062)(P<0.05). The prevalence of myopia of 11, 12, 13,and 14-year-old urban pupils were: 51.9%(1333/2568), 62.8%(1671/2662), 72.0%(3415/4740), 45.4%(704/1551),and the pastoral areas of the same age group were 46.5%(938/2019), 58.0%(1089/1877), 68.3%(1557/2279), 36.2%(338/934). The myopia rate of urban pupils in 11-14 age group was higher than that in pastoral areas(P<0.05). Among them, doing eye exercises and eating fruits and vegetables were protective factors. Area, grade, tummy reading, reading and writing under low light, or using electronic products, parents' myopia, and father's education were risk factors for myopia.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of myopia in Baotou primary school students is at a relatively high level. With the increase of age, the prevalence of myopia increases. Many factors are related to myopia in primary school students. Parents and education departments should carry out relevant interventions.