中央角膜厚度对角膜疾病、青光眼、角膜屈光手术等眼部疾病和手术有重要影响,获得精准的角膜中央厚度为临床医师提出了更高的要求,也是大家一直非常关注的话题。目前,临床中常用的角膜厚度测量仪器有2类原理:第一类为超声波测量,例如传统的A型超声角膜测厚仪(A超)、超声生物显微镜(UBM); 第二类是光学测量原理,包括Pentacam眼前节分析仪、角膜内皮镜、光学相干断层扫描仪(OCT)、Lenstar LS900光学生物测量仪。不同的测量方法和相应仪器都具有各自的优点及不足。角膜厚度测量最佳的发展方向应为简单易用、重复性好、准确性高。因此对目前临床常用的角膜厚度测量仪器的原理及特点进行综述,总结当下角膜测厚的研究进展,为临床眼科医生提供理论依据和临床指导。
[Key word]
The thickness of the central cornea has an important influence on various eye diseases and operations such as keratoconus and other corneal diseases, glaucoma, and corneal refractive surgery. Obtaining accurate central corneal thickness is a topic that clinicians have been paying close attention to. It decides the operation method and operation parameters(cutting depth, cutting optical area size, etc.)of refractive surgery. Accurate measurement of central corneal thickness is a great concern to clinicians. At present, there are two kinds of measurement of corneal thickness: the first is ultrasonic measurement, such as traditional Type A ultrasonic corneal thickness meter and ultrasonic biological microscope; the second is optical measurement, including Pentacam, corneal endokeratoscope, optical coherence tomography, etc. Different measuring methods and instruments have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, the ultimate goal of developing corneal thickness measurement is easy operation and good repeatability. Therefore, based on the summarization of current clinically-used corneal thickness measurement instruments and of research progress of corneal thickness measurement, this paper aims at providing theoretical guide for clinical oculists.