近年来,随着白内障超声乳化手术的广泛开展及飞秒激光技术在白内障手术领域的逐渐应用,飞秒激光辅助的白内障手术(femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery,FLACS)也逐渐普及,受到了越来越多医生的认可和推广。飞秒激光技术具有极高的精确性、自动化程度和可重复性,因此飞秒激光技术十分适合应用于以精密操作为特点的白内障手术,它可以用于白内障手术过程中进行角膜切口和角膜缘松解切口的制作、前囊膜切开,晶状体碎裂等关键操作。FLACS具有广阔的应用前景,能大大提高手术的可预测性和安全性。FLACS的出现是现代白内障手术最重要的发展之一,随着FLACS的不断发展,白内障手术将迎来新的技术革新。然而,FLACS出现的时间相对较短,仍需要更长期、更全面的数据在未来更好地证明其有效性。我们就目前FLACS的研究进展进行综述。
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In recent years, with the extensive development of phacoemulsification and the gradual application of femtosecond laser technology in the field of cataract surgery, femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery(FLACS)has become popular year by year, and has been recognized and promoted by more and more doctors. Femtosecond laser technology has high accuracy, automation and repeatability, so it is quite suitable for cataract surgery characterized by precision operation, it can be used in cataract surgery for corneal incision and limbal incision, anterior capsule incision, lens fragmentation and other key operations. FLACS has broad application prospects and can greatly improve the predictability and safety of surgery. The emergence of FLACS is one of the most important developments in modern cataract surgery. With the continuous development of FLACS, cataract surgery will usher in new technological innovations. However, FLACS are relatively new, and longer term, more comprehensive data are still needed to better demonstrate their effectiveness in the future. We review the current research progress of FLACS.