[Key word]
Scleral lenses(SL)are large diameter rigidgas permeable contact lenses with vault cornea and limbus and used for daytime wear. In recent years, the study of SL has been gradually deepened, and SL are becoming increasingly used for the ophthalmology clinical practice. Compared with corneal rigid gas permeable contact lenses, SL rest on the sclera and form a fluid reservoir between the posterior surface of the lens and the anterior surface of the cornea, creating an ideal eye surface environment and with the advantages of non-contact cornea and corneal limbus, protecting cornea, correcting corneal irregular astigmatism, reducing high-order aberrations, delaying or avoiding part of ophthalmic-related surgical, correcting visual acuity of patients with irregular cornea, wide range of application, good stability and comfortable wearing. With the improvement of material, lens design technology, fitting techniques and ophthalmic imaging technology, the clinical application of SL is gradually increasing. This review will give a brief introduction of the historical development, indication, fitting and complications of SL.