方法:对无锡市滨湖区3 695名0~6岁学龄前儿童运用SureSight手持验光仪视力快速检测眼屈光状态,参照由美国伟伦公司提供的各年龄段屈光筛查转诊标准来确定筛查结果。并且在筛查视力的同时完成全面的眼部检查。
结果:视力筛查儿童总异常率为9.76%,可疑率为5.40%,我们发现随着幼儿年龄的增长异常和可疑检出率有上升趋势,并且各年龄段视力筛查结果有差异(χ2=15.913,P=0.014),但男孩和女孩之间无差异(χ2=7.200,P=0.066)。在各个年龄组中视力异常比例最高的是散光(13.89%、17.96%、17.62%、11.50%),其次是远视(0.35%、1.91%、3.60%、8.86%)和屈光参差(0.69%、0.67%、1.64%、2.07%)。五种类型在各年龄段中分布的比例如下:远视(4.38%)、近视(0.82%)、散光(15.65%)、屈光参差(1.42%)和其他屈光问题(0.466%)。0~3岁学龄前儿童散光患病率为6.94%(95%CI:4.90%~9.00%),3~4岁为8.98%(95%CI:7.80%~10.20%),4~5岁为8.81%(95%CI:7.70%~9.90%),5~6岁为5.75%(95% CI:4.80%~6.70%)。在不同年龄组中散光患病率无差异(χ2=0.872,P=0.929)。
[Key word]
AIM: To provide a scientific basis for the development of children's eye health measures in Binhu District of Wuxi City by understanding the visual development status of children aged 0-6 years old in the region.
METHODS: A total of 3 695 children of 0-6 years old from preschool children in Binhu District received quickly check of eye's refractive status by using the SureSight automatic screening refractor, and determine the results by referring to the refractive screening referral standard norm for each age groups offered by the US Welch Allyn company. All participating preschool children have completed a vision screening and a comprehensive eye examination.
RESULTS: The total of abnormal rate was 9.76%, suspicious rate was 5.40% in vision screened children, along with the age increase, the abnormal and suspicious detection rates had a tendency to rise, differences in vision screening results of each age group were statistically significant(χ2=15.913, P=0.014), and differences between boys and girls had no statistical significance(χ2=7.200, P=0.066). The highest proportion of abnormal vision was astigmatism(13.89%, 17.96%, 17.62%, 11.50%), followed by hyperopia(0.35%, 1.91%, 3.60%, 8.86%)and anisometropia(0.69%, 0.67%, 1.64%, 2.07%)in different age groups. Hyperopia(4.38%), myopia(0.82%), astigmatism(15.65%), anisometropia(1.42%)and any refractive(0.466%), these five types in the distribution of various age groups. The prevalence of astigmatism in preschool children in 0-3 years old were 6.94%(95%CI: 4.90%-9.00%)and the 3-4 years old were 8.98%(95%CI: 7.80%-10.20%), the 4-5 years old were 8.81%(95%CI: 7.70%-9.90%), the 5-6 years old were 5.75%(95%CI: 4.80%-6.70%). The prevalence of astigmatism in different age groups had no statistical difference(χ2=0.872, P=0.929).
CONCLUSION: Astigmatism was the most common type of ametropia in preschool children, followed by hyperopia and anisometropia. Although no myopia was found, it confirmed the previous research that myopia was not formed at early age. Preschool children vision screening and eye care should be implemented regularly.