方法:采用前瞻性、单中心研究方法,比较分析两个时间段眼科医院日间手术当日取消手术的情况,对照组为2018-06/2019-06病例,仅实施常规护理和健康宣教; 干预组为2019-10/2020-10病例,干预组增加了眼科手术室护士术前1d的电话访视环节。
结果:取消手术的主要原因为上呼吸道感染、血糖异常、血压异常,其他原因为术前未遵医嘱点眼药水、眼压高、术前检查结果异常等。对照组预约安排日间手术16 974例,实际实施手术16 332例,手术取消率3.78%(取消642例); 干预组预约日间手术17 694例,实际实施手术17 296例,手术取消率为2.25%(取消398例),两组手术取消率及取消手术的病种分布和取消原因均有差异(P<0.05)。
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AIM: To analyze the role of preoperative telephone interview in the cancellation rate for ophthalmic daytime surgery.
METHODS: A prospective, single center study was conducted to compare and analyze the cancellation of daytime surgery in two time periods. The control group was from June 2018 to June 2019, only routine nursing and health education were implemented. The patient in the intervention group were from October 2019 to October 2020, add the telephone interview of the day before operation was added by the nurses in the ophthalmic operating room.
RESULTS: The main reasons for canceling the operation included upper respiratory tract infection, abnormal blood glucose, abnormal blood pressure and physiological period, abnormal preoperative examination results, and patients didn't follow the doctor's advice to use preoperative eye drops. In the control group, there were 16 974 cases scheduled for daytime operation, 16 332 cases actually operated, and the cancellation rate of operation was 3.78%(642 cases cancelled). In the intervention group, 17 694 cases were scheduled for daytime operation, and 17 296 cases were actually operated, with the cancellation rate of 2.25%(398 cases cancelled). The disease distribution and cancellation reasons of the two groups were statistically significant(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Telephone interview can effectively reduce the cancellation rate of ophthalmic daytime operation, provide targeted and personalized pre-hospital guidance for patients, improve the compliance of patients and their families to complete preoperative preparation, reduce the psychological anxiety of patients before operation, and improve the medical experience of patients.