原发性闭角型青光眼(primary angle-closure glaucoma,PACG)是不可逆性致盲性眼病,其视神经损害是由于房角关闭导致眼压升高造成的。PACG的基本病理过程是房角关闭,而周边虹膜组织机械性阻塞小梁网或者与小梁网产生黏连是导致房角关闭的重要原因。随着眼前段活体测量技术的发展,对于虹膜相关危险因素与PACG的发生和发展有了进一步的认识。本文对PACG发生的虹膜相关机制进行了归纳总结,为其预防和诊疗提供了新思路。
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Primary angle-closure glaucoma(PACG)is an irreversible disease-causing blindness, the damage of optic nerve is caused by elevated intraocular pressure(IOP)as a result of angle-closure. Angle-closure is a fundamental pathologic process in PACG. In addition, PACG is characterized by elevated IOP as a result of mechanical obstruction of the trabecular meshwork by either apposition of the peripheral iris to the trabecular meshwork or by a synechial closed angle. In recent years, with the development of ophthalmic imaging technology, the iris has been recognized as necessary to complement anatomical risk factors in assessing the risk of PACG. In this review, we intend to describe the potential role of the iris in the pathogenesis of PACG, so as to provide new ideas and directions for prevention and treatment of such disease.