结果:于2019-03/11选取调查对象共1 239人,确诊翼状胬肉437人,翼状胬肉总体患病率为35.27%。双眼翼状胬肉占59.27%,单眼翼状胬肉占40.73%。胬肉患病率在壮族人群为34.84%(224人),在苗族人群为35.74%(213人),两者无差异(P=0.740)。Logistic回归分析结果显示,睑板腺开口有无堵塞是翼状胬肉发生的影响因素(P=0.019),优势比OR=1.348。性别、年龄、受教育程度、是否户外活动、高血压和饮食习惯不是翼状胬肉的影响因素。用等级资料的Logistic回归进行胬肉侵入程度的多因素分析,结果显示泪河高度是翼状胬肉侵入程度的影响因素(P=0.048),泪河高度值越低,侵入程度越大。
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AIM: To investigate the prevalence and risk factors of pterygium in Zhuang and Miao nationality adults aged 40 and over in Wenshan prefecture, Yunnan Province.
METHODS: An epidemiological survey of Zhuang and Miao nationality in Yunnan Province was conducted by using the portable slit-lamp and Keratograph-D eye surface analyzer. The Logistic regression analysis was operated to determine the impact of gender, age, occupation, outdoor activities and nationality on pterygium.
RESULTS: Totally 1 239 participants were included from March to November 2019, 437 people had pterygium in one or both eyes, and the total prevalence was 35.27%. Pterygium of both eyes accounted for 59.27% while pterygium of single eye accounted for 40.73%. The prevalence of pterygium was 34.84%(224 people)in Zhuang population and 35.74%(213 people)in Miao population, there was no significant difference between the two groups(P=0.740). According to the result of Logistic regression analysis, opening of meibomian is the influencing factor of pterygium(P=0.019), with OR=1.348. Gender, age, education, outdoor activities, hypertension and eating habits were not the influencing factors of pterygium. Logistic regression was used to analyze the invasion degree of pterygium. The results showed that the height of lacrimal river was the influencing factor of pterygium(P=0.048). The lower the lacrimal river height, the greater the degree of invasion.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of pterygium in Zhuang and Miao nationality aged 40 and over in Wenshan prefecture, Yunnan Province is high, with no significant difference between the two nationalities. The function of meibomian gland, the quality and quantity of tears are related to pterygium.
云南省科技计划项目重大科技专项(No.2018ZF009); 云南省卫生科技计划项目(No.2018NS0012)