方法:回顾性研究。收集2018-01/2020-04前来本院急诊就诊,并收住入院的单眼眼外伤患者1 723例1 723眼一般资料及临床资料并建立眼外伤数据库,对陕西及周边地区眼外伤流行病学特征进行总结分析。
结果:在1 723眼外伤中,以中青年患者(20~59岁)居多(1 149眼,66.69%),男性患者为主(1 392眼,80.79%),绝大多数患者来自农村(1 270眼,73.71%),从事体力劳动(1 288眼,74.75%); 眼外伤的主要致伤因素有钝器(511眼,29.66%)、锐器(423眼,24.55%)、飞溅金属异物(非金属)(299眼,17.35%)、摔倒(183眼,10.62%),其主要致伤场所有工作单位(633眼,36.74%)、农耕场所(474眼,27.51%)、住宅家庭(302眼,17.53%)、公共场所(248眼,14.39%),其主要类型为开放性眼外伤(1 311眼,76.09%),主要治疗措施是手术治疗(1 638眼,95.07%); Logistic分析显示年龄、伤后就诊时间、眼外伤类型、眼外伤并发症、眼外伤史均是影响眼外伤预后的重要因素(P<0.05)。
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AIM: To analysis the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of ocular trauma in Shaanxi and surrounding areas, and provide research support for the formulation of prevention and treatment measures for ocular trauma.
METHODS: Retrospective study. The general data and clinical data of 1 723 unilateral ocular trauma patients(1 723 eyes)admitted to our hospital from January 2 018 to April 2 020 were collected to establish the ocular trauma database and analyzed.
RESULTS: Among the 1 723 cases(1 723 eyes)of ocular trauma patients, young and middle-aged patients(20-59 years old)accounted for the majority(1 149 eyes, 66.69%)and mainly were male patients(1 392 eyes, 80.79%), and the vast majority of patients came from rural areas(1 270 eyes, 73.71%)and engaged in manual labor(1 288 eyes, 74.75%). The main causes of ocular trauma were blunt tools(511 eyes, 29.66%), sharp objects(423 eyes, 24.55%), splashing metal(non-metal)foreign bodies(299 eyes, 17.35%), falling(183 eyes, 10.62%), etc. The main places of injury were workplaces(633 eyes, 36.74%), farming places(474 eyes, 27.51%), residential homes(302 eyes, 17.53%), public places(248 eyes, 14.39%), etc. The main type of ocular trauma was open globe injury(1 311 eyes, 76.09%), and the main therapy was surgical treatment(1 638 eyes, 95.07%). Logistic analysis found that age, post-injury visit time, types of ocular trauma, complications of ocular trauma, history of ocular trauma were all important factors influencing prognosis of ocular trauma patients(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Ocular trauma in Shaanxi and surrounding areas has characteristics of age, sex, place of residence, and occupation. For special occupations and special populations, timely targeted health education and prevention measures should be taken to reduce the incidence of ocular trauma. In addition, the timely treatment of ocular trauma can help improve the prognosis of patients.