结果:患儿6例均有明确的早产病史,初始诊断为早产儿视网膜病变(ROP),曾接受过玻璃体腔药物注射治疗,其中2例患儿接受过2次玻璃体腔注射治疗,随访中眼底检查和FFA检查结果显示符合FEVR的特征。全身麻醉下2例患儿FFA检查后行激光光凝治疗; 1例行眼底激光光凝联合玻璃体腔药物注射治疗; 1例给予玻璃体腔药物注射治疗; 2例患儿FFA检查显示视网膜周边无血管区不伴渗漏,随访观察。
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AIM: To describe the clinical characteristics of 6 premature infants diagnosed as familial exudative vitreoretinopathy(FEVR).
METHODS: From August 2018 to January 2019, the researchers collected six premature cases of FEVR from Xinhua Hospital Affiliated To Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. All 6 infants born prematurely had examinations of fundus photography and fluorescein angiograms under anesthesia. Medical history and angiographic features were analyzed retrospectively.
RESULTS: Six infants born prematurely were initially misdiagnosed as retinopathy of prematurity ROP. All underwent injection anti-vascular endothelial growth factor(anti-VEGF)drug into vitreous body cavity subsequently, two of whom were treated with injection anti-VEGF drug into vitreous body cavity twice. Six infants born prematurely had follow-up examinations of fundus photography and fluorescein angiograms with the machine of Retcam digital imaging system under anesthesia, they were eventually diagnosed as FEVR. Then 2 cases were treated with laser photocoagulation, 1 case was treated with injection anti-VEGF drug into vitreous body cavity combined laser photocoagulation, 1 case was treated with injection anti-VEGF drug into vitreous body cavity, 2 cases maintain the follow-up visit.
CONCLUSION: Clinically, premature infants FEVR, tend to be misdiagnosed as ROP initially. If the demarcation line separating the avascular from the vascular retinal regions presents persistent or the condition turns to be worse, more examinations will be required to confirm the diagnosis such as fluorescein angiograms under anesthesia. FEVR is a lifelong disease, its symptoms, if present, typically take a progressive course during childhood and adolescence. Early diagnosis of FEVR is crucial due to its progressive nature and the genetic/familial underpinnings of the condition. The correct identification of those FEVR patients can help them receive timely treatment and genetic counseling for those of child-bearing age.