方法:于2021-01对南通市1 939名中学生进行横断面调查,采用分层随机整群抽样计算样本量,采用干眼问卷调查DE的患病率和危险因素。DE患病被定义为经常或总是存在一种或以上干眼症状(如:干燥感、沙砾感、烧灼感、眼红、疲劳感、分泌物增多)。通过Logistics回归分析评估与DE相关的危险因素。
结果:南通市中学生DE的患病率为19.55%。干眼症状中疲劳感出现最多,占60.95%。多因素Logistics回归分析显示,女性(OR:1.287,95%CI:1.018-1.626,P=0.035)、近距离电子屏幕使用时间>2h(OR:1.927,95%CI:1.260-2.947,P=0.002)、课后读写时间>3h(OR:1.588,95%CI:1.214-2.079,P=0.001)、频繁使用滴眼液(OR:1.908,95%CI:1.359-2.680,PSymbol|@@0.001)、全身使用抗过敏药物(OR:1.787,95%CI:1.220-2.618,P=0.003)和关节痛(OR:1.688,95%CI:1.128-2.524,P=0.011)是中学生DE患病的独立危险因素,而充足的睡眠时间(>6-8h,OR:0.627,95%CI:0.477-0.823,P=0.001; >8h,OR:0.511,95%CI:0.283-0.922,P=0.026)是独立保护因素。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the prevalence and risk factors of dry eye(DE)among middle school students in Nantong.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 1 939 middle school students in January 2021. The minimum sample size was calculated by cluster random sampling. A dry eye questionnaire was used to assess the prevalence and risk factors of DE in middle school students. DE was defined as often or all the time presence of one or more DE symptoms(i.e. “eye dryness” “grittiness” “burning sensation” “redness” “crusting of lashes” “eyelids getting stuck”). The risk factors associated with DE were evaluated by Logistics regression analysis.
RESULTS: The prevalence of DE was 19.55%. The most reported dry eye symptom was “eyelids getting stuck”, accounting for 60.95%. Female(OR: 1.287, 95%CI: 1.018-1.626, P=0.035), the daily time of electrical appliances use at near distance >2h(OR: 1.927, 95%CI: 1.260-2.947, P=0.002), the daily time of reading and writing after class >3h(OR: 1.588, 95%CI: 1.214-2.079, P=0.001), frequent use of eye drops(OR: 1.908, 95%CI: 1.359-2.680, P<0.001), use of systemic anti-allergic drugs(OR: 1.787, 95%CI: 1.220-2.618, P=0.003)and joint pain(OR: 1.688, 95%CI: 1.128-2.524, P=0.011)were independent risk factors for DE among middle school students. Sufficient sleep(>6-8h, OR: 0.627, 95%CI: 0.477-0.823, P=0.001; >8h, OR: 0.511, 95%CI: 0.283-0.922, P=0.026)was an independent protective factor for the disease.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of DE among middle school students is high and should not be ignored. Preventive measures against risk factors may help to reduce the prevalence of DE and have a positive impact on the health of students.