结果:PACG组和POAG组SAS、SDS、PSQI得分(48.40±9.302,53.40±8.625,9.57±2.861; 42.57±9.684,48.80±10.320,7.23±2.223分)均明显高于对照组(37.03±6.805,38.63±7.881,4.87±2.688分)(P<0.05)。PACG组SAS、PSQI得分较POAG组高(均P<0.05)。以SAS≥45分、SDS≥50分和PSQI>7分为临界,PACG组的焦虑、抑郁和失眠症状阳性率(77%、73%、70%)高于POAG组(43%、40%、37%)和对照组(13%、10%、20%)(P<0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the anxiety, depression and sleep status of patients with primary angle-closure glaucoma(PACG)and primary open angle glaucoma(POAG).
METHODS: Retrospective clinical study. The Anxiety Self-Rating Scale(SAS), Depression Self-Rating Scale(SDS)and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index(PSQI)were used to evaluate 60 patients with primary glaucoma(30 PACG, 30 POAG)diagnosed in the department of ophthalmology in our hospital during the period from June 2019 to December 2020 and 30 healthy adults from the physical examination department of our hospital as a control group. The scores of anxiety, depression and sleep quality in the three groups were compared.
RESULTS: The scores of SAS, SDS and PSQI in PACG and POAG groups(48.40±9.302, 53.40±8.625, 9.57±2.861; 42.57±9.684, 48.80±10.320, 7.23±2.223)were significantly higher than those in control group(37.03±6.805, 38.63±7.881, 4.87±2.688)(P<0.05). The scores of SAS and PSQI in PACG group were higher than those in POAG group(all P<0.05). With SAS≥45, SDS≥50 and PSQI>7, the positive rates of anxiety, depression and insomnia in the PACG group(77%, 73%, 70%)were higher than those in the POAG group(43%, 40%, 37%)and the control group(13%, 10%, 20%)(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Patients with PACG has more severe anxiety, depression and insomnia than POAG, so necessary psychological intervention should be given.
江西省重点研发计划项目(No.20202BBGL73019,20171BBG70097,20161BBG70164); 江西省卫生健康委科技计划项目(No.202130275); 南昌大学教学改革研究课题(No.NCUJGLX-2021-167-151); 江西省应用研究培育计划(No.20212BAG70032)