[Key word]
AIM: To analyze the funding status of cataract research funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China from 2010 to 2019, and discuss the development focus on basic cataract research in the near future, so as to provide reference information for researchers in the field of cataract to understand the progress of basic research and apply for funding.
METHODS: The cataract research projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China from 2010 to 2019 were counted. The categories of funded projects, project title, fund amount, applicant unit and region, approved year and key words were statistically analyzed.
RESULTS: In the past ten years, the number of cataract research projects and the amount of funding accounted for 9.35% and 9.72% of the total amount of the whole ophthalmology area respectively. The number of projects in ophthalmology and cataract research and the amount of aid received generally showed a wavy upward trend. The key words in the project setup are gradually increasing, and more and more inclined to mechanism research. With the development of computer aided technology, TALEN technology and total exon sequencing technology, cataract research presents a trend of integration of medicine and other disciplines. East China, especially Shanghai, ranks first in terms of the number of projects and funds received. Among the categories of projects, the number and funding are the largest among the general projects. In recent years, the number of the Youth Science Foundation projects has risen strongly, and even exceeds the general projects in some areas.
CONCLUSION: The focus of cataract research from 2010 to 2019 tends to be diversified. The integration of multi-disciplines and the application of new techniques and methods are prominent features. The fund amount and the level of research are unbalanced in regional development.
国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.81873674,82070947); 陕西省重点研发计划项目(No.2021ZDLSF02-08)