结果:研究对象中,优势眼为右眼159例(67.7%),左眼76例(32.3%),优势眼与非优势眼的性别分布无差异(P>0.05); 优势眼与非优势眼近视等效球镜度数无差异(P>0.05); 优势眼与非优势眼近视增长程度无差异(P>0.05); 右眼及左眼分别为优势眼和非优势眼时,近视增长度及两眼间近视增长程度均无差异(P>0.05); 优势眼近视增长程度与双眼近视增长度数差异具有相关性(P<0.01)。
结论:青少年近视者中,优势眼以右眼为主,且无性别差异; 优势眼在近视程度和增长程度上无特异性表现,且优势眼不影响近视增长程度和双眼参差大小的变化,但优势眼近视增长速度可能会影响双眼屈光参差的程度。
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AIM: To observe the characteristics of the dominant eye in the progression of myopia in the proportion and gender distribution of the left eye and the right eye in the dominant eye, the difference in the degree and growth rate of myopia between the dominant eye and the non-dominant eye during the progression of myopia in adolescents.
METHODS: In this prospective study, we selected 235 cases of 7-17 years old adolescents with myopia who were treated in our hospital from February to May 2020. The ocular structure was examined to exclude various eye diseases, and the dominant eye(card hole method)was determined and cycloplegic optometry was performed. They were all corrected by wearing monofocal glasses, and the dominant eye(card hole method)and cycloplegic optometry were retested after 1a.
RESULTS: Among the subjects, 159 cases were right eyes, accounting for 67.7%, and 76 cases were left eyes, accounting for 32.3%; There was no significant difference in gender distribution between dominant eyes and non-dominant eyes(P>0.05); There was no significant difference in spherical equivalent degree between dominant and non-dominant eyes(P>0.05); There was no significant difference in the degree of myopia growth between dominant and non-dominant eyes(P>0.05); There was no significant difference in the increase of myopia and the increase of myopia between the two eyes whether the right eye was dominant or the left eye was non-dominant(P>0.05); There was a significant correlation between the degree of myopia growth in the dominant eye and in both eyes(P<0.01).
CONCLUSION: In myopic adolescents, most of the dominant eyes were right eye, and there was no difference between dominant eye and gender; Dominant eyes showed no specificity in the degree and growth of myopia, the dominant eye type do not affect the degree of myopia growth and the degree of anisometropia, but the degree of dominant myopia growth may affect the degree of anisometropia in both eyes.