[Key word]
Occult myopia refers to a special type of myopia, which is caused by the axial length beyond the normal range of children's normal age, and the corneal curvature is lower than the normal range of children with the normal age range of the vision. Because the vision of occult myopia children is within the normal range, it is easy to be ignored in myopia screening. Without timely myopia prevention and control, occult myopia is very easy to develop into dominant myopia, not only the visual development is seriously affected, but visual function will also produce irreversible changes. It is found that the axial length, corneal curvature, retina and chorioid of occult myopia are different from those of ordinary myopia. The change of these indicators can be used to assist the diagnosis and observe their development process. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the research progress at home and abroad on ocular axis length, corneal curvature, macular retinal thickness, macular choroidal thickness and other related factors in children with occult myopia, in order to provide references for related clinical research.
河北省自然科学基金项目(No.H2020406019); 河北省科技厅“技术创新引导专项-科技工作会商”项目; 承德市科学技术研究与发展计划项目(No.202006A038)