方法:采用随机抽样法,选取小学21所、初中和普通高中各3所及职业高中1所共28所学校13 707人进行裸眼远视力和电脑屈光检测。
结果:西安市同区域小学、初中、高中和职业高中近视检出率分别为32.27%、72.07%、81.22%、65.12%; 总近视率为47.81%; 各年级女生近视率均高于男生; 小学和初中近视率随年级升高而升高; 随着学段的升高,高度近视占比由小学的2.40%升高至高中的16.51%。
结论:西安市同区域不同学段学生近视率具有差异性,随着学段的上升,近视率呈一定升高趋势; 女生近视率高于男生; 与2018年全国不同学段儿童青少年近视调查结果对比,2021年西安市同区域小学阶段近视率下降显著,初中及高中阶段近视率虽没有上升,但降幅不明显。
[Key word]
AIM: To gather baseline data on visual acuity by screening students from different stages in the same administrative district of Xi'an, as well as to analyze and investigate disparities in myopia rates among students from different stages in this area.
METHODS: A total of 13 707 students from 21 elementary schools, 3 middle schools, 3 general high schools and 1 vocational high school were randomly selected for uncorrected distance visual acuity and computerized refraction testing in 28 schools with a random sampling approach.
RESULTS: The detection rate of myopia in elementary, middle, high and vocational high schools in the same region of Xi'an were 32.27%, 72.07%, 81.22% and 65.12%, respectively; The total myopia rate of students was 47.81%; The myopia rate of girls was higher than that of boys in all grades; The myopia rates of elementary and middle schools increased with the growth of grades; The percentage of high myopia increased from 2.40% in elementary schools to 16.51% in high schools with the growth of grades.
CONCLUSION: The myopia rate in different stages of the same region is different, and it tends to rise with the gronth of grades; Girls have a higher myopia rate than boys; Compared to the results of the national survey on myopia in different grades of children and adolescents in 2018, the myopia rate in the same region has decreased significantly in 2021 of the elementary school level, although myopia rate of middle school and high school stage do not rise, the decline is not obvious.
陕西省科技厅社会发展基金项目(No.2021SF-334); 陕西省中医药传承创新项目(No.2021-03-GJ-012); 西安市科技局创新能力强基计划-(3)医学研究项目(No.21YXYJ0015); 西安市中心医院重点基金项目(No.2021ZD02)