目的:对西宁市的4家幼儿园共1 084名学龄前儿童的视力及其屈光状态进行调查,以发现超出正常范围的视力异常及屈光异常。
方法:横断面调查研究。采用整体抽样的方法,于2019-10在西宁市城东、城西、城南和城北分别抽取4家幼儿园总计1 084名3~6岁学龄前儿童,检查其裸眼远视力,并使用屈光筛查仪检查屈光状态。
结论:西宁市学龄前儿童视力异常随年龄增长而逐渐增加; 屈光状态以散光为主,其中混合散光和单纯近视散光比例最高,其次为单纯远视散光和复性远视散光; 随着年龄增长,复性远视散光屈光度逐渐降低,符合儿童眼屈光发育的规律。
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AIM:A total of 1 084 preschool children in 4 kindergartens in Xining City were surveyed on their visual acuity and refraction status to find out abnormal vision and refraction beyond the normal range.
METHODS: A cross-sectional survey study. The overall sampling method was used on October 2019, a total of 1 084 preschool children aged 3-6 years were selected from a kindergarten in the east, west, south and north of Xining City. The children were checked for uncorrected distance vision and refractive status was checked by using a refractive screener.
RESULTS: The detection rate of abnormal vision in preschool children in Xining City was 12.21%, and the detection rate of abnormal vision increased with the increasing age(χ2lineartrend=94.40, P<0.05), and there were differences among different age groups(χ2=293.55, P<0.05). Refractive abnormalities accounted for 6.09% of the total number of examinations. With the increasing age, the proportion of compound hyperopic astigmatism decreased(χ2lineartrend=1.79, P>0.05).
CONCLUSION: The abnormal visual acuity of preschool children in Xining City gradually increases with the increasing age; The refractive state is dominated by astigmatism, among which the proportion of mixed astigmatism and pure myopia astigmatism is the highest, followed by pure hyperopic astigmatism and compound hyperopic astigmatism; With the increase of age, the diopter of compound hyperopic astigmatism gradually decreases, which is in line with the law of children's eye refractive development.
青海省科技计划(No.2019-ZJ-7076); 陕西省科技计划(No.2020SF-273)