随着白内障手术步入了微创精准的屈光时代,对于围手术期感染控制提出了更高的要求。近年来,无滴眼液的白内障手术被提出并逐步应用于临床,其是基于白内障手术中联合不同局部注药形式,将抗生素及类固醇等药物通过即时或缓释等方式应用于术眼,使患者在整个围手术期均不需使用滴眼液。在达到术后抗炎、抗感染目的的同时,也能减少患者、患者家属及医生的负担。本文对无滴眼液的白内障手术的概念、联合用药方式、包括联合前房注射抗生素、曲安奈德与莫西沙星的混合注射剂(triamcinolone acetonide and moxifloxacin hydrochloride, TriMoxi)和曲安奈德、莫西沙星与万古霉素的混合注射剂(triamcinolone -moxifloxacin and vancomycin,TriMoxiVanc)玻璃体腔注射、联合地塞米松泪小点塞植入、持续或缓释药物传递机制等、以及其有效性及安全性等内容进行综述,以期为白内障术后感染预防提供新的思路与方向。
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As cataract surgery has entered the era of minimally invasive and accurate refractive surgery, higher requirements for perioperative infection control are needed. In recent years, “dropless cataract surgery” has been proposed and is gradually applied in clinical practice. It is based on the combination of different local injection forms in cataract surgery, in which antibiotics and steroids are applied to the operative eye through immediate or sustained release, so that patients do not need to use eye drops throughout the perioperative period.It can not only achieve the purpose of anti-inflammation and anti-infection after surgery, but also reduce the burden of patients, patients' family members and doctors.This article reviews the concept of “dropless cataract surgery”, the combined treatment methods, including combined anterior chamber antibiotic injection, triamcinolone acetonide and moxifloxacin hydrochloride(TriMoxi)and triamcinolone -moxifloxacin and vancomycin(TriMoxiVanc)intravitreal injection, combined dexamethasone lacrimal puncture implantation, continuous or sustained release drug delivery mechanism, as well as its efficacy and safety, with a view to provide a new idea and direction for the prevention of postoperative cataract infection.
国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.81870644); 湖南省临床医疗技术创新引导项目(No.2020SK50102); 沈阳市卫生健康委2020年科研课题项目(No.2020103); 爱尔眼科白内障与人工晶状体研究所基金项目(No.AR2002D7)