方法:回顾分析2018-09/2020-04在河北省眼科医院确诊的CNV患者26例34眼和PCV患者19例19眼的影像学资料,CNV患者中湿性年龄相关性黄斑变性(w-ARMD)20例28眼,慢性中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变(CCSC)继发CNV 6例6眼。所有患者均行OCTA、荧光素眼底血管造影(FFA)+ICGA检查,分析其特征性改变。
结论:OCTA检测CNV阳性率较ICGA高,检测CNV和PCV病变范围较ICGA更清晰、立体,但在PCV中不能全部显示末端囊袋样扩张,且不能观察CNV或PCV渗漏情况及病变动态发展过程,较 FFA+ICGA尤为不足。OCTA作为无创检查可以随访观察CNV或PCV治疗前后病变发展情况。
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AIM: To compare and observe the characteristics of choroidal neovascularization(CNV)and polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy(PCV)in indocyanine green angiography(ICGA)and optical coherence tomography angiography(OCTA),and to discuss their differences and pros and cons.
METHOD: The imaging data of 26 CNV patients(34 eyes)and 19 PCV patients(19 eyes)diagnosed at Hebei Eye Hospital from September 2018 to April 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 20 cases(28 eyes)of wet age-related macular degeneration(w-ARMD)in CNV patients and 6 cases(6 eyes)of chronic central serous chorioretinopathy(CCSC)secondary to CNV. All patients underwent OCTA, fundus fluorescein angiography(FFA)+ICGA, analyzing the characteristic changes of lesions.
RESULT: OCTA examination of w-ARMD patients(28 eyes)showed that, except for 2 eyes where no obvious abnormality was seen due to severe bleeding, the morphology of CNV can be seen in the remaining 26 eyes in a clear, three-dimensional way, and even the anatomical level where CNV was located could be found. Among them, 11 eyes examined by OCTA can not only show the morphology, size and affected area of CNV, but also can better distinguish the nourishing vessels, new vessels and anastomotic branches. CNV morphology not detected by FFA+ICGA was found by OCTA in 6 eyes of patients with CCSC secondary to CNV. A clearer vision of abnormal choroidal branching vascular network(BVN)can be found clearer by OCTA than ICGA in 19 eyes of PCV patients, but OCTA cannot show the number of terminal saccular dilatations(polyps)as clearly as ICGA.
CONCLUSION: The positive rate of CNV detected by OCTA is higher than that of ICGA. The lesions range of CNV and PCV detected by OCTA is clearer and more stereoscopic than that of ICGA.But it cannot show all terminal saccular dilatations in PCV patients, and it cannot be used to monitor the leakage of CNV or PCV and lesion progression. So it is less effective than FFA+ICGA in this aspect. As a non-invasive examination, OCTA can be used in the follow-up to observe the changes in lesions before and after CNV or PCV treatment.