巩膜是维持眼球结构和功能的重要组织,其特有的生物力学特性能影响眼部疾病的发生和发展。巩膜生物力学特性主要由巩膜细胞外基质(ECM)决定。巩膜ECM包含不同类型胶原纤维、蛋白聚糖及其他物质。在眼部疾病中,巩膜ECM成分的含量或排布会发生变化,巩膜生物力学也相应改变,这一系列的过程可称为巩膜重塑(scleral remodeling)。近年来研究表明,在许多眼部疾病中,巩膜重塑是一个复杂且动态的过程,而许多关键信号分子及通路已被证实参与并调控这一过程。本文就目前影响眼部疾病中巩膜重塑的关键信号分子及通路进行综述,并探究巩膜干预在治疗眼部疾病中的可能性。
[Key word]
Sclera is an important tissue to maintain the structure and function of eyes.Its unique biomechanical properties influence the occurrence and development of ocular diseases. The biomechanical properties of sclera are mainly determined by extracellular matrix(ECM), which contains different types of collagen fibers, proteoglycan and other substances. In many ocular diseases, the change of the content and arrangement of these scleral ingredients as well as scleral biomechanics can be called scleral remodeling. In recent years, studies have shown that the scleral remodeling is a complex and dynamic process in many ocular diseases,with many key molecules and signaling pathways participating and regulating. Those key molecules and signaling pathways influencing the scleral remodeling of ocular diseases are reviewed, and the availability of scleral intervention in the treatment of ocular diseases is explored.
上海市自然科学基金重点项目(No.18ZR1406000); 上海市科学技术重点项目(No.21YF1405400)