新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19,新冠肺炎)是由新型冠状病毒(novel coronavirus,SARS-CoV-2,新冠病毒)引起的一种具有高度传染性的疾病,目前在世界各地广泛流行,并引起全球性恐慌。研究表明,新冠病毒可以通过眼部黏膜传播,因此眼科医务人员更容易受到感染。新冠肺炎患者眼部表现主要累及结膜、角膜、巩膜、前房、瞳孔、视网膜、视神经和视皮层、眼外肌及其颅神经支配、眼眶和泪器系统等。病毒性结膜炎是新冠肺炎患者最常见的眼部表现。新冠肺炎流行期间,为了眼科医务人员免受感染,安全地开展临床工作,本文依据近年来相关文献报道总结了新冠肺炎的眼部表现,主要包括流行病学、病理生理、临床表现等方面。
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Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)is caused by novel coronavirus(SARS-CoV-2), which is widely prevalent around the world and caused global panic. Evidences show that eye transmission is possible, so the ophthalmic medical staff is more likely to be infected. Ocular manifestations of COVID-19 involve conjunctiva, corneal, sclera, anterior chamber, pupils, retina, optic nerve and visual cortex, extraocular muscles and theirs cranial nerves innervation, orbit and lacrimal system. Viral conjunctivitis is the most common ocular manifestation of COVID-19. In order to protect ophthalmic medical staff from infection and to safely carry out clinical work during the epidemic period of COVID-19, this article summarizes the ocular manifestations of COVID-19, including epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical manifestation.