内界膜剥除术是过去30a间黄斑手术的重大创新。经过各种改良,现已成为黄斑手术的标准操作。但剥除黄斑部作为视网膜和玻璃体之间结构界面的Müller细胞基底膜,怎样获得最佳疗效和避免不良后果,仍是需要探索的问题。鉴于本刊共同主编Peter Wiedemann教授在视网膜外科领域长期的卓越贡献、以及他们团队近年来在中心凹再生方面取得的重要进展,我们特别邀请他撰写本篇述评。他欣然在2wk内完成了这篇纵览全局、提纲挈领、深刻洞见、简明有据、闪耀着智慧光芒的文章。其中概括了内界膜剥除的历史、理由、技术与适应证、范围大小、不良后果,以及难治性黄斑裂孔的手术。既有对目前认知的肯定,也提出了存在的问题,值得我们细读思考。为了方便一些同道的阅读,特此全文译出。
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As a major innovation in macular surgery over the past 30 years,internal limiting membrane peeling has now become standard operation after all-round improvements. However, how to achieve optimal response and avoid poor prognosis by peeling the internal limiting membrane, which is the basement membrane of the Müller cells representing the structural interface between retina and vitreous, still needs to be explored. Prof. Peter Wiedemann, the co-editor-in-chief of our journal, in view of his long-term outstanding contributions to retinal surgery and the important progress his team has made in foveal regeneration, wrote this review with a special invitation. He gladly completed this article in 2wk, which is comprehensive, outlined, insightful, concise and shining with wisdom. It summarizes the history, rationale, techniques, indications, size and adverse outcomes of internal limiting membrane peeling and the surgery for refractory macular hole. It not only affirms current cognition, but raises existing problems, which are worthy reading and reflecting, so it was translated for readers' convenience.