目的:了解金华市区某小学近视现状及近视防控知信行干预效果情况。方法:2022-09/12采取整群抽样方法抽取金华市区某小学符合纳入条件的1 482名学生进行近视现状检测及宣教干预。在参考相关文献的基础上,设计调查问卷。问卷主要内容包括学生一般情况、视力低下情况及近视预防干预前后知信行情况。结果:共调查和检测金华市区某小学学生1 482名,检测共有近视学生657名,近视率为44.33%。其中轻度近视为54.64%(359名),中度近视为23.90%(157名),重度近视为21.46%(141名)。干预前收回有效问卷1 468份,干预后收回有效问卷1 457份。学生近视防控知识干预前总体知晓率为62.57%(7348/11744),干预后为81.20%(9465/11656),干预前后比较有差异(P<0.001)。干预前行为到位率为82.48%(9687/11744),干预后为93.73%(10925/11656),干预前后比较有差异(P<0.001)。结论:金华市区某小学学生近视状况不容乐观,部分学生干预前预防知识知晓率、行为正确率不高,此次干预后学生近视防控知信行取得明显效果。
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AIM:To investigate the current situation of myopia in a primary school in Jinhua city and the intervention effect of knowledge, belief and practice.METHODS: From September to December 2022, a total of 1 482 primary school students who met the inclusion criteria were selected for myopia test and education intervention based on cluster sampling method. The questionnaire was designed based on relevant references. The main contents of the questionnaire include students' general information, low vision and knowledge, belief and practice before and after intervention and prevention of myopia.RESULTS: A total of 1 482 primary school students were investigated and tested, among which myopia was detected out of 657 students, with a myopia rate of 44.33%. Specifically, mild myopia accounted for 54.64%(359); moderate myopia accounted for 23.90%(157); severe myopia accounted for 21.46%(141). A total of 1 468 valid questionnaires were collected before intervention, and 1 457 valid questionnaires were collected after intervention. The overall knowledge rate of myopia prevention and control knowledge before intervention was 62.57%(7348/11744), and it was 81.20%(9465/11656)after intervention, with statistical significance before and after intervention was statistically significant(P<0.001). The behavior attendance rate before intervention was 82.48%(9687/11744), and it was 93.73%(10925/11656)after intervention, with statistical significance comparison before and after intervention(P<0.001).CONCLUSION: The results of this survey showed that the myopia situation of primary students in Jinhua city was not optimistic, and some students were not aware of prevention knowledge and correct behavior before intervention. After intervention, the knowledge, belief and practice of myopia prevention and control have achieved remarkable results.