方法:横断面调查。于2021-10/2022-06采用以学校为单位的分层随机抽样法选取新疆喀什地区叶城县51所小学和30所中学学生81 863人纳入研究,收集学生的基本资料,并进行非睫状肌麻痹验光,检测裸眼远视力和戴镜矫正视力,观察不同年龄、性别及民族学生的屈光状态、近视戴镜率和足矫率情况。
结果:纳入学生近视检出率为13.39%(10958/81863),戴镜率为23.96%(2626/10958),足矫率为50.57%(1328/2626)。随着年龄的增长近视检出率呈一定的上升趋势,且女生近视检出率大于男生(15.75% vs 10.96%),汉族、维吾尔族、其他民族学生近视检出率分别为68.12%、12.63%、22.42%。
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AIM: To investigate the refractive status and myopia wearing rate of primary and secondary school students aged 6-18 in Yecheng county, Xinjiang.
METHOD: Cross-sectional study. From October 2021 to June 2022, a stratified random sampling method was used to select 81 863 students from 51 primary schools and 30 secondary schools in Yecheng county, Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang. Basic data of the students were collected, and non ciliary muscle paralysis optometry was performed to detect naked eye farsightedness and corrected vision with glasses. The refractive status, glasses wearing rate, and full correction rate of students of different ages, genders, and ethnic groups were observed.
RESULT: The detection rate of myopia among enrolled students was 13.39%(10958/81863), the wearing rate of glasses was 23.96%(2626/10958), and the full correction rate was 50.57%(1328/2626). The detection rate of myopia shows a certain upward trend with age, and the detection rate of myopia in girls was higher than that in boys(15.75% vs. 10.96%). The detection rates of myopia in Han, Uyghur, and other ethnic students were 68.12%, 12.63%, and 22.42%, respectively.
CONCLUSION:The detection rate of myopia and glasses wearing rate were relatively low for students aged 6~18 in Yecheng county, Xinjiang, while the detection rate and glasses wearing rate of myopia among Han students were significantly higher than those of Uyghur and students of other ethnics.