方法:回顾性研究。收集2021-01/2022-09在佛山爱尔眼科医院诊断为儿童白内障患儿10例17眼,其中男5例9眼,女5例8眼; 年龄3~9(平均4.50±1.20)岁。所有患儿均行飞秒激光辅助白内障超声乳化联合前段玻璃体切除术治疗,术后随访6mo,观察患儿视力、眼压及术后1wk,1、6mo IOL表面色素沉积物、虹膜黏连、后囊晶状体物质增生情况。
结果:所有患儿手术过程顺利,术中及术后均未发生无严重并发症。BCVA(LogMAR)术前为0.63±0.18,术后1wk,1、6mo分别为0.42±0.10、0.32±0.09、0.22±0.08(均P<0.001)。手术不同时间眼压比较无差异(P=0.125)。术后不同时间IOL表面色素沉积物,虹膜黏连,后囊晶状体物质增生发生率比较均无差异(P>0.05),术后1wk,1、6mo IOL表面色素沉积物发生率分别为3眼(18%)、1眼(6%)、1眼(6%),虹膜黏连发生率分别为0眼、1眼(6%)、2眼(12%),后囊晶状体物质增生发生率分别为0眼、0眼、2眼(12%)。
[Key word]
AIM: To observe the clinical outcomes of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract phacoemulsification combined with anterior vitrectomy in the treatment of pediatric cataracts.
METHODS: Retrospective study. A total of 10 patients(17 eyes)diagnosed as pediatric cataract in Foshan Aier Eye Hospital from January 2021 to September 2022 were collected, including 5 males(9 eyes)and 5 females(8 eyes), with an age of 3~9(4.50±1.20)years old. All children underwent femtosecond laser assisted phacoemulsification combined with anterior vitrectomy. The visual acuity, intraocular pressure and pigment deposits of intraocular lens(IOL)surface, synechia and hyperplasia of posterior capsule lens at 1wk, 1 and 6mo postoperatively were observed during the 6mo follow-up.
RESULTS: All surgical procedures were successful, and there was no serious complication intraoperatively or postoperatively. BCVA(LogMAR)was 0.63±0.18 preoperatively and 0.42±0.10, 0.32±0.09, and 0.22±0.08 at 1wk, 1 and 6mo postoperatively(all P<0.001). There was no difference in the comparison of intraocular pressure at different times of surgery(P=0.125). There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of IOL surface pigment deposits, synechia, and posterior capsule lens hyperplasia at different times after surgery(P>0.05). The incidence of IOL surface pigment deposits at 1wk, 1 and 6mo after surgery was 3 eyes(18%), 1 eye(6%), and 1 eye(6%), respectively, the incidence of synechia was 0 eye, 1 eye(6%), 2 eyes(12%), and the incidence of posterior capsule lens hyperplasia was 0 eye, 0 eye, and 2 eyes(12%), respectively.
CONCLUSION: Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract phacoemulsification combined with vitrectomy for the removal of the anterior vitreous can effectively prevent anterior capsular tear and the occurrence of posterior capsule opacification.