我国青少年近视发病率逐年上升,呈现逐渐低龄化的趋势。本文旨在系统梳理各个视功能对近视及其进展的影响,聚焦调节功能、集合功能以及眼位这三个因素。通过对调节功能的调节幅度、调节灵敏度、调节反应、正相对调节和负相对调节等方面的深入研究,探讨了调节功能对近视进展的影响; 同时,从单纯性内、外隐斜,集合不足和集合过度,融像性功能聚散障碍,散开不足和过度几个方面,详细剖析了集合功能对近视进展的影响。最后通过对知觉性眼位和间歇性外隐斜两个方面介绍了眼位对近视进展的影响,以及其他因素对其的影响。文章旨在揭示影响近视及其进展的多方面视功能因素,明确调节功能、集合功能和眼位在其中的重要性。
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The incidence of myopia among Chinese adolescents is progressively rising, indicating a distinct trend toward younger age onset.This paper aims to comprehensively review the impact of various visual performance on myopia and its progression, with a specific emphasis on accommodative function, convergence function, and ocular position. A meticulous exploration of accommodation function, encompassing accommodative amplitude, accommodative facility, accommodative response, positive relative accommodation, and negative relative accommodation, has been undertaken to elucidate its contributory role in myopia progression. Concurrently, an exhaustive analysis of convergence function has been conducted including esotropia and exotropia, convergence insufficiency and convergence excess, fusional function vergence, divergence insufficiency, and excess, providing a nuanced understanding of convergence's implications for myopia advancement. Furthermore, the influence of ocular position on myopia progression, along with other factors affecting perceptual ocular position and intermittent exotropia, is discussed. The primary objective of this article is to unveil the multifaceted visual performance influencing myopia and its progression, elucidating the paramount significance of accommodative function, convergence function, and ocular position in this context.