病因学研究是正确认识疾病发生和流行规律的必要条件,也是临床疾病诊断预防治疗的前提。孟德尔随机化(Mendelian randomization,MR)作为遗传学和流行病学结合的方法,可以在遗传学层面上探究暴露与疾病的因果关系,同时可以避免混杂因素、反向因果的干扰,因此被广泛用于疾病的病因学研究。本文对眼科疾病研究中孟德尔随机化的应用进行综述,并为相关眼病机制研究、干预方法的设计提供更多思路和方法。
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Etiological research is necessary for understanding the occurrence and epidemiological patterns of diseases, and is also a prerequisite for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of clinical diseases. Mendelian randomization(MR), a method of research that combines genetics and epidemiology, has the advantage of exploring the causal relationship between exposure and disease genetically as well as avoiding confounding factors and reverse causation. Thus, it has been extensively utilized in the etiological study of diseases. This paper reviews the implementation of MR in the research of ocular diseases and provides ideas and approaches for the investigation of related mechanisms as well as the development of intervention strategies.