• Volume 1,Issue 3,2008 Table of Contents
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    • >Commentary
    • Keratorefractive surgery and glaucoma

      2008, 1(3):189-194.

      Abstract (1453) HTML (0) PDF 332.64 K (1033) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Keratorefractive surgery changesthe central cornealthickness (CCT) and corneal curvature, which could influencethe Goldmann aPPlanationtonometer (GAT) and non-contacttonometer (NCT) measurementsof intraocular Pressure (IOP), but not dynamic contourtonometer(DCT). Duringthe Procedureof LASIK,there is atransient riseof IOP, which increasesthe risksofoPtic nerve damage. Meanwhile,the Presenceof functioning filtering blebs may affectthe choice andoutcomeof refractive surgery,or even becomes a contraindicationof surgery. Steroids aretyPically used after keratorefractive surgery, which could leadto IOP elevation. Hence it is imPortantto monitor IOP after LASIK andto be awareof inaccurate IOP readings dueto corneal flaP interface fluid.treating Patients with PostoPerative elevated IOP after keratorefractive surgery is similartothat for Patients with glaucoma.this review will addressthe issues surroundingthe safety, relevant comPlications and imPlicationsof keratorefractive surgerieson glaucoma and relevant diagnostictests.

    • >Basic Research
    • Preparation of endostatin protein andthe measurement of its biologic activity

      2008, 1(3):195-199.

      Abstract (1620) HTML (0) PDF 468.28 K (980) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate the preparation of endostatin protein and its biologic activity on vascular endothelial cell. ·METHODS: pBlast-hEndostatin and pBlast-Mcs were identified by digesting with Nhe玉and Sal玉, by PCR reaction, by sequencing, and by alignments of PCR products with gene bank using NCBIBLAST software. The identified pBlast-hEndostatin as well as pBlast-Mcs were then purified with QIAGEN Endofree plasmid maxi kit. The purified plasmids transfected human fibroblasts. The expression of endostatin was detected by RT-PCR,Western blot and immunohistochemistry. The endostatin protein produced by transfected fibroblasts was purified by ultrafiltration and affinity chromatography. The inhibitory action of endostatin on human umbilical vein endothelium was measured by MTT assay. ·RESULTS: pBlast-hEndostatin was found to contain human endostatin gene. Endostatin protein was produced by transfected fibroblasts. The inhibitory ratio of 2.5,5,10,20, 40,80mg/L endostatin on human umbilical vein endothelium for 48 hours were 8.5%,13.1%,27.7%,38.1%,56.7%,63.8% respectively. IC50 value was 34.5mg/L. No inhibitive action was found on fibroblasts. ·CONCLUSION: Endostatin protein can be produced by the transfected fibroblasts. The produced endostatin has inhibitory action on human umbilical vein endothelium and has no inhibitive action on fibroblasts.

    • ET-1 expression and ultrastructural changes inthe retina after exposureto infrasound in rats

      2008, 1(3):200-203.

      Abstract (1308) HTML (0) PDF 673.44 K (916) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:to evaluatethe exPressionof ET-1 and ultrastructural changes inthe retinaof SPrague-Dawley rats after exPosureto infrasound. ·METHODS:twenty-five male SPrague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into 5 grouPs, 5 in each grouP, and 4 grouPs were exPosedto infrasoundof 16Hz, 130dB for 2 hours each day, and 1 grouP served as control.the exPosuretime forthe 4 grouPs was resPectively 1, 7, 14 and 21 days.then,the rats were sacrificed after intravenous injection with lanthanum nitrate (La), andthe retina was examined with electron microscoPy and immunochemistry with antibodies against ET-1. ·RESULTS: After infrasonic exPosure for 1 day, ET-1 was exPressed mainly inthe endotheliaof retinal and choroidal blood vessels, so was it inthe control grouP. After infrasonic exPosure for 7 days, it was exPressed mainly inthe retinal Pigment ePithelial cells,outer nuclear layer andouter Plexiformlayer. After exPosure for 14 days, its exPression was enhanced intheouter nuclear layer, inner Plexiform layer and ganglion cell layer. After exPosure for 21 days, its exPression was weakened in all layers. With exPosure goingon,the injury in retina gradually extended fromtheoutertothe inner. Underthe electronic microscoPe, La wasobservedto have infiltrated into several layersofthe retina after 1 dayof exPosure and it became denser and denser fromthe 1sttothe 21st day excePt atthe 7th day. Meanwhile,the retinal layers showed cellular edema, swollenorganelles such as mitochondria and endoPlasmic reticula, karyoPyknosis and edging, cell membrane and karyotheca dilation, ruPture and myelin changes. ·CONCLUSION:the exPressionof ET-1 in retina is relatedtothe locationof infrasonic injury, and ET-1 may have a Protective effecton retina againstthe infrasonic injury.

    • Morphological investigationon acrysof natural's protective function from acute retinal light injury

      2008, 1(3):204-207.

      Abstract (1490) HTML (0) PDF 494.98 K (913) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:to investigate whetherthe Acrysof Natural hasthe Protective function for retina from blue light in morPhology. METHODS: Fresh Porcine eye cuPs were formed in vitro. Blue light beam between 420-450nm sPectrum eradiatedthe Porcine retina and retinal Pigment ePithelial(RPE) cells were cultured in 30J/cm2 and 40J/cm2 resPectively.the adjacent region in 3mm diameter was eradiated in various ways: exPosed directlyto light,through AcrySofone Piece intraocular lens(IOL), PMMA IOL, AcrySof Natural IOL, and without light.thenthe eye cuPs were cultured for 48h. Lastly,tissue and cell structure wereobserved with light microscoPe andtransmission electron microscoPe (TEM). RESULTS: Inthe retinal region without light,the structureof every layer was clear; cells in neuroePithelial layer arrayed inorder; some bubbles Presented in external granular layer and internal granular layer; RPE cells were comPact, andthe colorof Pigment article was coincident. Inthe region with direct blue light andthat with 30J/cm2+Acrysofone-Piece/ PMMA, cellson PhotorecePtor and external granular layer were lost Partially, bubbles increased, RPE cells wereof different sizes, and cell edema, cell lost and Pigment article cluster could be seen. In region with 30J/cm2+ Natural, a little disorganization could be seen comParedtothat without light, but more normalthanthose with Acrysof and direct eradiation. Whenthe Power was 40J/cm2,the situation was similartothat with 30J/cm2 but more severe. CONCLUSION: ①the blue light intensity in 30J/cm2 and 40J/cm2 could both inducethe acute retinal light injury; ② AcrySofone Piece IOL andother PMMA IOL have noobvious effecton retina comPared with direct eradiation; ③AcrySof Natural can weakenthe injuryof blue lightto some extent.

    • Effect of d-timolol and l-timololon rat experimental choroidal neovascularization in vivo and endothelial cells in vitro

      2008, 1(3):208-211.

      Abstract (1408) HTML (0) PDF 435.23 K (907) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:ImPairmentof choroidal Perfusion was found in age-related macular degeneration(AMD) Patients. We Postulatedthat vasoactive agents, which can reduce choroidal blood flow resistance, might Preventthe develoPmentof choroidal neovascularization (CNV). D-Timolol and L-Timolol are hyPotensive agents used in cardiovascular and glaucomatheraPy.their effectson laser-induced exPerimental CNV rat model and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) werethus evaluated. ·METHODS: Male Brown Norway rats were anesthetizedto receive Nd:YAG laserto breakthe Bruch's membrane. D-Timolol and L-Timolol were givenonce dailythrough intraPeritoneal injection after lasertreatment for 4 weeks. Fluorescein angiograPhy(FA) was Performedon 2 weeks and 4 weeks. HUVEC weretested by Proliferation assay and adhesion assay with D-Timolol and L-Timolol at different concentrations. ·RESULTS: D-Timolol reducedthe fluorescein leakageto 83%ofthe control grouP in laser-induced rat's CNV model at a dosageof 15mg/(kg·d). L-Timolol had no effecton CNV formation even at a higher dosageof 20mg/(kg·d). D-Timolol inhibitedthe endothelial cells Proliferation significantly by 300mg/L. L-Timolol also significantly inhibitedthe cell Proliferation at 1 000mg/L. But at a lower dose such as 300mg/L, no significant inhibitory effect was found. Both drugs showed no effecton cell adhesion function in cell culture exPeriments. ·CONCLUSION: D-Timolol was foundto Prevent CNV develoPment in laser-induced model in vivo and inhibit vascular endothelial cells Proliferation in vitro . L-Timolol had no effecton cell Proliferation atthe same dose, and neitheron rat CNV model.the results indicatethesetwo isomers have different functionson rat's CNV Prevention andon HUVEC cell Proliferation.

    • Advanced glycation endproducts enhance proliferation but nottube formation in choroidal microvascular endothelial cells

      2008, 1(3):212-218.

      Abstract (1702) HTML (0) PDF 623.93 K (901) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To investigate the role of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). ·METHODS: Bovine choroidal endothelial cells (CEC) were isolated by the modified protocol using lycopersicon esculentum agglutinin coated Dynabeads, and identified by immunocytochemical staining with anti-Factor VIII antibody and uptaking of dil-acetylated low-density lipoprotein (dil-ac-LDL). AGEs were prepared by incubating 50g/L bovine serum albumin and 150g/L glucose at 37益for 6 weeks, which were characterized by dot blot assay with anti- AGEs antibody. CEC proliferation was evaluated by 3, (4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5- diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, and tube formation in CEC was determined by a Vitrogen system. ·RESULTS: More than 90% of the cultured cells were positive to Factor VIII immunostaining and had the ability to uptake dil-ac-LDL, which were the features of endothelial cells. 219AGEs we prepared were affinitive to anti-AGEs antibody. After treatment with AGEs for a time course of 3 days, CEC proliferation was significantly increased in a dose-dependent manner by AGEs at concentrations between 62.5mg/L and 500mg/L. The cytokine, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), enhanced strongly tube-like structure formation in CEC to 124%( <0.05) above that of untreated c ontrols. In this condition, AGEs at the concentrations of 500mg/L and 50mg/L showed no effect on CEC tube formation ( >0.05). ·CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrated that CEC proliferation was increased by AGEs. However, there was no statistical effect on CEC tube formation. These findings confirm and extend that AGEs could be a potential initiator in the pathogenesis of choroidal neovascularization in exudative AMD, at least in part, through enhancement of CEC proliferation

    • Quantitative researchon effectsof pyrrolidine dithiocarba mateonthe aqueous flare in a pvr model with lfcM

      2008, 1(3):219-225.

      Abstract (1143) HTML (0) PDF 469.95 K (877) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:to studythe inhibitory effectof Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC)onthe inflammatory reaction in an exPerimental Proliferative vitreoretinoPathy (PVR) model with laser flare cell meter (LFCM). ·METHODS: Atotalof 20 Pigmented rabbits were divided intotwo grouPs randomly, with 10 rabbits in each grouP. Afterthe creationof retinal holes, 0.1mL PDTC was injected intravitreally intothe right eyesof GrouP 1(A1) andthe left eyesof GrouP 1(A2), and 0.1mL balanced saline solution (BSS) intothe right eyesof GrouP 2(B1).one hour later, 0.1mL BSS was injected intothe eyesof A1, and 5000U IL-1β in 0.1mL BSS was injected intravreally intothe eyesof A2 and B1. Clinical evaluation and LFCM examination were Performed before retinal injury (P0) and at 4, 24 hours, 1, 2 and 4 weeks afterthe second injection (P4h, P24h, P1wk, P2wk and P4wk). HistoPathologic and immunohistochemical examination were also Performed atthesetime Points. ·RESULTS: PDTC could inhibitthe inflammatory reactionobviously from P24hto P2wk.the eyesof A1 and A2 recovered earlierthanthoseof B1. Although inflammatory reaction inthe 3 grouPs resolved comPletely bythe endof P2wk measured withthe slit-lamP microscoPe,the eyesof B1 still showedobvious aqueous flare judged bythe LFCM comPared withthoseof A1 and A2. HistoPathologic and immunohistochemical examination showedthat nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) was activated by IL-1β andthe PDTC had inhibitory effecton it withoutobvioustoxicityto retina. ·CONCLUSION: Inflammatory reaction is involved inthe rabbit modelof PVR induced by injecting intravitreally IL-1β andthe PDTC can relieve it significantly.the LFCM Provides a new, sensitive,objective and non-invasive methodto quantifythe inflammatory reaction inthe PVR model.

    • Expression of fas/fasl andthe apoptosis in rat ischemia/reperfusion-induced retinal injury and effectsof bfgf

      2008, 1(3):226-229.

      Abstract (1626) HTML (0) PDF 217.41 K (972) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:to exPlorethe relationshiP betweenthe exPressionof Fas/FasL andthe aPoPtosis in retinal ischemia/rePerfusion injuryof rats, as well asthetheraPeutic effectsof basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF)onthe ischemic retina. ·METHODS:the modelsof retinal ischemia/rePerfusion injury were made bytransiently elevating intraocular Pressure(IOP). Atotalof 28 rats were divided into Normal GrouP andoPerative GrouP.the latter was subdivided into 1, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours grouPs after rePerfusion, in whichthe left eyesofthe rats were inthe ischemia/ rePerfusion grouPs andthe rightones were inthetreatment grouPs(bFGF intracameral injection). APoPtosis was assessed bytheterminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP- biotin nick-end labelling (TUNEL) method, andthe exPressionof Fas/FasL was studied by strePt avidin-biotin comPlex (SABC)immunohistochemistry. ·RESULTS: No Positive cells wereobserved inthe normal rats’ retinae, butthere were a significant numberoftUNEL Positive cells in 6-24 hours aftertransient ischemia followed by a decrease at 48 hours.the numberoftUNEL Positive cells reached a maximum at 24 hours after ischemia.the exPressionof Fas gradually increased as early as at 6 hours, reached a Peak at 24 hours,then decreased at 48 hours. Similarly,the exPressionof Fas ligand was at Peak in 24 - 48 hours in ganglion cell layer(GCL) and INLof retina. bFGF administered before rePerfusion inhibited aPoPtotsis and amelioratedthetissue damage. It also diminished Fas and FasL exPression in ischemic/rePerfused retina. ·CONCLUSION: Retinal ischemia-rePerfusion aftertransiently elevated IOP induced aPoPtosisof cells inthe retina. Fas/FasL may have an imPortant role inthe early eventsofthe aPoPtotic Pathways. bFGF can rescue retinal ganglion cells from retinal ischemia/rePerfusion injurythrough down- regulationof Fas and Fas ligand exPression and may rePresent an imPortant mechanism fortheraPeutic neuroProtection.

    • Effects of high-concentration insulinon expressionof vascular endothelial growth factor in cultured Müller cells in vitro

      2008, 1(3):230-233.

      Abstract (1181) HTML (0) PDF 465.32 K (906) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:to studythe effectof high-concentration insulinonthe exPressionof vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in cultured rabbit retinal Müller cells in vitro . METHODS: Müller cells were cultured with insulinof different concentrations (4×103 , 8×103 , 12×103 U/L). Immunocytochemistry,in situ hybridization and ELISA were conductedto assaythe exPressionof VEGF in cultured Müller cells in vitro at different insulin concentrations qualitatively and quantitatively. RESULTS: VEGF exPression was enhancedobviously by high concentrationof insulin. CONCLUSION: Insulin Plays an imPortant role in neovascularizationof diabetic retinoPathy(DR) by stimulatingthetranscriPtionofthe VEGF gene in Müller cells so asto enhancethe exPressionof VEGF Protein.

    • Effect of heat shock protein-70on lens epithelial cells in human diabetic cataract

      2008, 1(3):234-236.

      Abstract (1457) HTML (0) PDF 270.65 K (891) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:to studythe effectof heat shock Protein-70(HSP-70)on lens ePithelial cells (LECs) in human diabetic cataract . ·METHODS:the exPressionof HSP-70 was assayed by using immunohistochemistry (strePtavidin-alkaline PhosPh- atase, S-P) in human diabetic cataract LECs (23 cases) and human normal LECs (7 cases). ·RESULTS:the exPressionof HSP-70 (x 2= 24.67, P < 0.01) was significant in diabetic human LECs (23 cases) butthere was no exPressionof HSP-70 in normal human LECs (7 cases). ·CONCLUSION: HSP-70 may Play a critical role inthe develoPment and formationof human diabetic cataract.

    • Effects of resveratrolon Proliferationof retinal vascular endothelial cells and exPressionof VEGF

      2008, 1(3):237-240.

      Abstract (1076) HTML (0) PDF 281.26 K (919) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To studythe effectsof resveratrolonthe Proliferationof human retinal vascular endothelial cells(RVEC) induced by cobalt chloride-simulated hyPoxia in vitro. METHODS: CoCl2(100μmol/L) was usedto simulate hyPoxic condition, and human RVEC were cultured in vitro as model.the cell Proliferation was determined by MTT method; SABC method was emPloyedtotestthe exPressionof vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF); and comPuter image analyzer was usedto Process data.the effectsof resveratrolonthe Proliferationof vascular endothelial cells wereobserved. RESULTS: Resveratrol inhibitedthe Proliferationof human RVEC induced by CoCl2 in a dose- andtime-dePendent manner in vitro, meanwhile VEGF exPression in all grouPs which were administered medicine was down-regulated. Both kindsof inhibitive effectsof resveratrol were statistically significant (P <0.01). CONCLUSION:Resveratrol can significantly inhibitthe Proliferationof human RVEC andthe exPressionof VEGF, which may Provide a new aPProach for Prevention andtreatmentof retinal neovascular diseases. "

    • >Clinical Research
    • Macular hole surgery withor without internal limiting membrane peeling

      2008, 1(3):241-246.

      Abstract (1379) HTML (0) PDF 239.61 K (906) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:to comParethe anatomical and visualoutcome in Primary idioPathic macular hole surgery withor without indocyanine green (ICG) stained internal limiting membrane (ILM) Peeling. ·METHODS:the medical recordsofthe 40 consecutive eyes receiving Primary idioPathic macular hole surgery with gas as internaltamPonade Performed by a single surgeon were retrosPectively reviewed and analyzed. All eyes had a follow-uPof at least 6 months. Inthe initial 22 consecutive eyes, no ILM Peeling was Performed (non-ILM Peeling grouP).the subsequent 18 eyes underwent surgery with ICG stained ILM Peeling (ILM Peeling grouP). ·RESULTS:the Primary anatomical closure rates were 88.9% and 59.1% inthe ILM Peeling grouP and non-ILM Peeling grouP, resPectively.the difference was statistically significant (Fisher's exacttest, P =0.038). ImProvement in visual acuity was more marked inthe ILM Peeling grouPthan inthe non-ILM Peeling grouP, with a mean imProvementof 3.6 and 1.3 lines resPectively (two-tailedt -test, P =0.036).there were significantly more cases with imProvementoftwoor more linesof visual acuity after surgery, with 66.7% inthe ILM Peeling grouP and 31.8% non-ILM Peeling grouP (Chi-squaretest, P = 0.028). However,there was no significant difference inthe final PostoPerative logMAR best corrected visual acuity(BCVA) betweenthetwo grouPs (two-tailedt -test, P =0.073). ·CONCLUSION: Basedonthis study, ICG stained ILM Peeling seemsto imProvethe anatomical and visualoutcome in Primary idioPathic macular hole surgery. Further studies inthis asPect are warranted.

    • Neuroprotective effects of erigeron breviscapus (vant.) hand-mazzon glaucoma—a multi-center clinicaltrial

      2008, 1(3):247-252.

      Abstract (1535) HTML (0) PDF 348.23 K (874) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:to evaluatethe neuroProtective effectsof a Chinese herbal drug, erigeron breviscaPus (vant.) hand-mazz (EBHM),on glaucoma Patients with controlled intraocular Pressure (IOP) after surgical and/or medicaltheraPies. ·METHODS: Atotalof 99 Primary glaucoma Patients (113 eyes) with medicallyor surgically controlled IOP were givenorally either EBHMor Placebo for 6 months andthen evaluated in a multi-center, ProsPective, randomized and double masked clinicaltrial by quantifyingthe visual field changes using visual field defect scoring (VFDS). ·RESULTS: After 2, 4, 6 monthsoftreatment,the VFDS in EBHM GrouP (66 eyes/55 Patients) decreased by 0.44±1.60, 1.27±2.16 and 1.42±2.37 resPectively, indicating atime- dePendent imProvementof visual field uPon EBHMtreatment, whereasthe VFDS in Placebo Control GrouP (47 eyes/47 Patients) decreased by -0.02±1.5, 0.68±1.73 and 0.40±1.57 resPectively. Statistically,the differencesof VFDS betweenthetwo grouPs were significant (P <0.05) at 2 and 4 months, and highly significant at 6 monthsoftreatment (P = 0.007).the average IOP in both grouPs was 15mmHg (range 8-18mmHg) duringthe Periodofthe study (P >0.05). No serious side effects were rePorted in glaucoma Patientson EBHM. ·CONCLUSION: EBHM aPPearedto be safe and effective in neuroProtection for Patients with glaucoma. More studies are neededto determinethe safety and effectivenessof longer-term EBHMtreatment.

    • Risk factors for corneal graft failure and rejection in penetrating keratoplasty

      2008, 1(3):253-256.

      Abstract (1464) HTML (0) PDF 281.64 K (938) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:to evaluate risk factorsof graft failure and allograft rejection after Penetrating keratoPlasty (PK). ·METHODS: Clinical dataof PKson 224 eyes (212 Patients) from 1996to 2006 were studied retrosPectively.the graft survival rate and rejection-free survival rateover 10 years were estimated with KaPlan-Meir's lifetable, and differences between levelsof each factor were comPared with log-ranktest. Cox regression was also Performedto further assessthe imPactof related clinical factorsonthe Prognosisofthe corneal graft. ·RESULTS:theoverall ratesof graft survival and rejection-free graft survival at 10 years after PK were 81.4% and 78.2% resPectively. Relatively higher riskof graft failure was associated with corneal vascularization, regraft, aPhakiaor PseudoPhakia, Presenceof anterioror Posterior synechia, long (≥90 minutes )oPerationtime andolder (≥60 years) ageof reciPient. Relatively higher riskof rejection was associated with corneal vascularization and longoPerationtime. Cox regression analysis showed corneal vascularization(RR = 2.46, P =0.04), regraft (RR =5.67,P <0.01), aPhakia (RR = 3.64,P <0.05),or PseudoPhakia (RR =6.83,P <0.01), Presenceof anterior (RR =2.76,P = 0.05)or Posterior synechia (RR =3.12, P =0.05) were indePendent risk factors for corneal graft failure. ·CONCLUSION:the risk factors for graft failure after PK were corneal vascularization, regraft, aPhakiaor PseudoPhakia, Presenceof anterioror Posterior synechia.the risk factors after PK for allograft rejection were corneal vascularization and longoPerationtime.

    • >Investigation
    • Epidemiologyof primaryopen angle glaucoma in a rural population in shaanxi provinceof china

      2008, 1(3):257-263.

      Abstract (1373) HTML (0) PDF 317.22 K (922) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:to assessthe Prevalence and related risk factorsof PrimaryoPen angle glaucoma (POAG) in a rural PoPulation in Shaanxi Province. ·METHODS: By using a stratified, cluster-based, random samPlingtechnique, 8 500 Personsof all ages were selected randomly, fromthe North,the South andthe Middleof Shaanxi Province from Julyto December in 2006. All ParticiPants had an interview with a standard questionnaire andthose questions relatedto glaucomaof Previous diagnosis andtreatment, family history andoutbreak history.then a detailed and relative eye examination was Performed, including logarithmofthe minimum angleof resolution visual acuity, external eye examination with slit-lamP biomicroscoPy and fundus examination.the intraocular Pressure(IOP) was measured with Perkins aPPlanationtonometrytothose Persons aged 50 yearsoldor more andthose with susPected increased IOP. A further examination was Performedtothose Persons with susPicious glaucoma, including rePeatedtonometric examination, gonioscoPy, dark roomtest, automated visual fieldtesting, et al . ·RESULTS: Atotalof 6 815 amongthe eligible 8 500 Personsof all ages were interviewed and examined from Julyto December in 2006, a resPonse rateof 80.18%. Nine ParticiPants were foundto have POAG, withthe Prevalenceof 0.13%, age ranging from 38to 80 years (mean year: 62.0). Inthose aged 30 yearsoldor more,the Prevalenceofthe disease was 0.23%, 0.28% and 0.39% forthose morethan 40 and 50 yearsold, resPectively.the rateof susPicious POAG was 0.18% (12 cases) with age ranging from 35to 77 years (mean year: 54.7). With multiPle logistic analyses,the Prevalence increased significantly with age (P =0.023).Otherthan increasing age, myoPia was also a strong risk factor for POAG.of 9 ParticiPants with POAG,only 2 cases (22.22%) had been Previously diagnosed. Noone with POAG was received anytreatment Previously. 66.67%(6 cases) ParticiPants with POAG suffered from visual imPairment in various degrees secondaryto POAG.the Percentageof blindness in either eye was 33.33%. ·CONCLUSION:the Prevalenceof POAG is closetothat fromother Chinese PoPulations, increasing with age. A majorityof glaucoma was undiagnosed and untreated Previously.

    • >Review
    • Pharmacologicaltherapy in age-related macular degeneration

      2008, 1(3):264-272.

      Abstract (1177) HTML (0) PDF 341.98 K (884) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:to rePort a rare caseof antiPhosPholiPid syndrome Presenting as PaPilledema and sixth nerve Palsy in right eye dueto suPerior sagittal sinusthrombosis, and regressionof PaPilledema following anticoagulation and acetazolamidetheraPy. ·METHODS: A 44-year-old Chinese gentleman Presented with headache, diPloPia and mild blurringof vision. Clinical examination revealedthe Presenceof sixth nerve Palsy in right eye and PaPilledema.there was enlargementof blind sPot inthe visual fields and red green deficiency in both eyes. ComPutedtomograPhy and magnetic resonance imaging showed suPerior sagittal sinusthrombosis. Hematological investigation confirmedthe Presenceof antiPhosPholiPid syndrome asthe underlying cause. ·RESULTS:the condition wastreated successfully inthree months withthe adjunctive useof anticoagulation and acetazolamide. Reversalof PaPilledema changes intheoPtic discto normal indicatesthe anatomical recovery, while reductionof enlargementof blind sPotto normal size, recoveryof red green deficienyto normal colour vision in both eyes and visual imProvement after regressionof PaPilledema in right eye indicate functional recovery inthis Patient. ·CONCLUSION: AntiPhosPholiPid syndrome should be consi- dered inthe differential diagnosisof PaPilledema, andoral acetazolamide is an imPortant adjuncttheraPyto anti- coagulation in casesof refractory PaPilledemato ProtecttheoPtic nerve from Potential damage which results in blindness.

    • Epiretinal prosthesis forouter retinal degenerative diseases

      2008, 1(3):273-276.

      Abstract (1509) HTML (0) PDF 692.21 K (1203) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) are commonouter retinal degenerative Problems, and alsothe Predominant causesof most blinding retinal diseases. Retinal Prosthesis is a Promising solution for such PhotorecePtor degeneration diseases. Mostof current concePts for a retinal Prosthesis are basedon neuronal electrical stimulation. Inthe Pasttwenty years, retinal Prosthesis has been develoPed intwo different directions: ePiretinal Prosthesis and subretinal Prosthesis. Each Prosthesistechnique has its advantages and disadvantages. For ePiretinal Prosthesis, it is easierto be imPlanted and hasthe advantageof keePing mostofthe electronics inthe vitreous cavityoffthe retinal surface, which greatly helPs in dissiPatingthe heat generated bythe imPlant device. Inthis PaPer, a briefoverviewof retinal Prostheses concePts is introduced. Afterthat, several imPortant asPectsof ePiretinal electrical stimulation will be discussed. Moreover, some Practical ePiretinal Prosthesis devices develoPed by researchers in United States, Germany and JaPan inthe Past have been reviewed. We hoPethatthe devices will be used widely inthe near future.

    • >Case Report
    • AntiPhosPholiPid syndrome manifesting as PaPill- edema

      2008, 1(3):277-280.

      Abstract (1300) HTML (0) PDF 460.87 K (1030) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:to rePort a rare caseof antiPhosPholiPid syndrome Presenting as PaPilledema and sixth nerve Palsy in right eye dueto suPerior sagittal sinusthrombosis, and regressionof PaPilledema following anticoagulation and acetazolamidetheraPy. ·METHODS: A 44-year-old Chinese gentleman Presented with headache, diPloPia and mild blurringof vision. Clinical examination revealedthe Presenceof sixth nerve Palsy in right eye and PaPilledema.there was enlargementof blind sPot inthe visual fields and red green deficiency in both eyes. ComPutedtomograPhy and magnetic resonance imaging showed suPerior sagittal sinusthrombosis. Hematological investigation confirmedthe Presenceof antiPhosPholiPid syndrome asthe underlying cause. ·RESULTS:the condition wastreated successfully inthree months withthe adjunctive useof anticoagulation and acetazolamide. Reversalof PaPilledema changes intheoPtic discto normal indicatesthe anatomical recovery, while reductionof enlargementof blind sPotto normal size, recoveryof red green deficienyto normal colour vision in both eyes and visual imProvement after regressionof PaPilledema in right eye indicate functional recovery inthis Patient. ·CONCLUSION: AntiPhosPholiPid syndrome should be consi- dered inthe differential diagnosisof PaPilledema, andoral acetazolamide is an imPortant adjuncttheraPyto anti- coagulation in casesof refractory PaPilledemato ProtecttheoPtic nerve from Potential damage which results in blindness.

Editors-in-Chief: Yan-Nian Hui and Peter Wiedemann

Established in April, 2008

ISSN 2222-3959 print

ISSN 2227-4898 online

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