• Volume 16,Issue 8,2023 Table of Contents
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    • >Basic Research
    • Rabbit models of dry eye disease: comparative analysis

      2023, 16(8):1177-1185. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.01

      Abstract (428) HTML (0) PDF 7.15 M (924) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To report ocular changes in rabbits after the implementation of three different induction methods to create dry eye (DE) conditions and provides evidence of DE-related disease evolution. METHODS: Experimental methods were divided into 3 models. The first model used involved triple injection of complete Freund’s adjuvant, 50 µL each, also called the meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) model. In the second model, DE conditions were created by the resection of nictitating membranes (NM), Harderian glands (HG), and main lacrimal glands (LG), also called the LGR model. The third model involved the topical administration of benzalkonium chloride (BAK) 0.1% solution. The Schirmer test, ocular surface staining with fluorescein, and tear break-up time tests were implemented before and after excision. After euthanasia, the ocular tissues were dissected. Cornea, conjunctiva, and meibomian glands were treated with periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) staining and haematoxylin–eosin staining. RESULTS: The MGD model triggered inflammation of meibomian glands. It detected changes in the lipid layer of the tear film. The bilateral resection of NM, HG, and LG reduced the watering layer of the tear film. The topical administration of BAK of 0.1% solution impacted the mucosal layer of the tear film. CONCLUSION: Different changes are observed with different DE syndrome models. The composition of the tear film differ depending on which part of the eye is targeted. More studies need to be done to confirm whether an increased thickness of the cornea has any impact on the DE disease.

    • Astragalin attenuates diabetic cataracts via inhibiting aldose reductase activity in rats

      2023, 16(8):1186-1195. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.02

      Abstract (386) HTML (0) PDF 1.67 M (730) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To investigate the aldose reductase (AR) inhibition capacity of astragalin (AST) against streptozoticin-induced diabetic cataracts (DCs) in rats. METHODS: Ex vivo investigations were conducted by treating the lens of a goat placed for 72h in artificial aqueous humor (AAH) of pH 7.8 at room temperature with cataract-causing substance (55 mmol/L of galactose) and in vivo studies were performed on rats via induction with streptozotocin. AST was administered at different dose levels and scrutinize for DC activity. RESULTS: In diabetic rats, AST improved the body weight, blood insulin, and glucose as well as the levels of galactitol in a dose-dependent way, other biochemical parameters i.e. inflammatory mediators and cytokines, and also suppress AR activity. The level of the antioxidant parameters such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione (GSH) activity were also altered on a diabetic lens after the administration of the AST. CONCLUSION: AST protects against lens opacification to avoid cataracts and polyols formation, indicating that it could be used as a potential therapeutic agent for diabetes.

    • Evaluation of trabecular meshwork-specific promoters in vitro and in vivo using scAAV2 vectors expressing C3 transferase

      2023, 16(8):1196-1209. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.03

      Abstract (458) HTML (0) PDF 9.40 M (897) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To evaluate the potential of two trabecular meshwork (TM)-specific promoters, Chitinase 3-like 1 (Ch3L1) and matrix gla protein (MGP), for improving specificity and safety in glaucoma gene therapy based on self-complementary AAV2 (scAAV2) vector technologies. METHODS: An scAAV2 vector with C3 transferase (C3) as the reporter gene (scAAV2-C3) was selected. The scAAV2-C3 vectors were driven by Ch3L1 (scAAV2-Ch3L1-C3), MGP (scAAV2-MGP-C3), enhanced MGP (scAAV2-eMGP-C3) and cytomegalovirus (scAAV2-CMV-C3), respectively. The cultured primary human TM cells were treated with each vector at different multiplicities of infections. Changes in cell morphology were observed by phase contrast microscopy. Actin stress fibers and Rho GTPases/Rho-associated protein kinase pathway-related molecules were assessed by immunofluorescence staining, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and Western blot. Each vector was injected intracamerally into the one eye of each rat at low and high doses respectively. In vivo green fluorescence was visualized by a Micron III Retinal Imaging Microscope. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was monitored using a rebound tonometer. Ocular responses were evaluated by slit-lamp microscopy. Ocular histopathology analysis was examined by hematoxylin and eosin staining. RESULTS: In TM cell culture studies, the vector-mediated C3 expression induced morphologic changes, disruption of actin cytoskeleton and reduction of fibronectin expression in TM cells by inhibiting the Rho GTPases/Rho-associated protein kinase signaling pathway. At the same dose, these changes were significant in TM cells treated with scAAV2-CMV-C3 or scAAV2-Ch3L1-C3, but not in cells treated with scAAV2-eMGP-C3 or scAAV2-MGP-C3. At low-injected dose, the IOP was significantly decreased in the scAAV2-Ch3L1-C3-injected eyes but not in scAAV2-MGP-C3-injected and scAAV2-eMGP-C3-injected eyes. At high-injected dose, significant IOP reduction was observed in the scAAV2-eMGP-C3-injected eyes but not in scAAV2-MGP-C3-injected eyes. Similar to scAAV2-CMV-C3, scAAV2-Ch3L1-C3 vector showed efficient transduction both in the TM and corneal endothelium. In anterior segment tissues of scAAV2-eMGP-C3-injected eyes, no obvious morphological changes were found except for the TM. Inflammation was absent. CONCLUSION: In scAAV2-transduced TM cells, the promoter-driven efficiency of Ch3L1 is close to that of cytomegalovirus, but obviously higher than that of MGP. In the anterior chamber of rat eye, the transgene expression pattern of scAAV2 vector is presumably affected by MGP promoter, but not by Ch3L1 promoter. These findings would provide a useful reference for improvement of specificity and safety in glaucoma gene therapy using scAAV2 vector.

    • Down-regulation of histone deacetylase 7 reduces biological activities of retinal microvascular endothelial cells under high glucose condition and related mechanism

      2023, 16(8):1210-1217. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.04

      Abstract (425) HTML (0) PDF 5.20 M (712) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To investigate the expression and effect of histone deacetylase 7 (HDAC7) in human retinal microvascular endothelial cells (HRMECs) under high glucose condition and related mechanism, and the expression of HDAC7 in the retinal tissue in diabetic rats. METHODS: The expression of HDAC7 in HRMECs under high glucose and the retinal tissue from normal or diabetic rats were detected with immunohistochemistry and Western blot. LV-shHDAC7 HRMECs were used to study the effect of HDAC7 on cell activities. Cell count kit-8 (CCK-8), 5-ethynyl-2’-deoxyuridine (EdU), flow cytometry, scratch test, Transwell test and tube formation assay were used to examine the ability of cell proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis. Finally, a preliminary exploration of its mechanism was performed by Western blot. RESULTS: The expression of HDAC7 was both up-regulated in retinal tissues of diabetic rats and high glucose-treated HRMECs. Down-regulation of HDAC7 expression significantly reduced the ability of proliferation, migration, and tube formation, and reversed the high glucose-induced high expression of CDK1/Cyclin B1 and vascular endothelial growth factor in high glucose-treated HRMECs. CONCLUSION: High glucose can up-regulate the expression of HDAC7 in HRMECs. Down-regulation of HDAC7 can inhibit HRMECs activities. HDAC7 is proposed to be involved in pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy and a therapeutic target.

    • >Clinical Research
    • Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy with bicanalicular silicone tube intubation for treating chronic dacryocystitis secondary to nasolacrimal duct stent incarceration

      2023, 16(8):1218-1223. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.05

      Abstract (314) HTML (0) PDF 2.43 M (624) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To investigate the feasibility of endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (En-DCR) with bicanalicular silicone tube intubation for treating chronic dacryocystitis secondary to nasolacrimal duct stent (NDS) incarceration. METHODS: En-DCRs were performed on 44 chronic dacryocystitis patients (46 eyes) secondary to NDS incarceration from April 2016 to October 2022. The granuloma and scar tissues were separated, and the removal of NDS incarceration was achieved during the surgery; the flap of the lacrimal sac was trimmed and anastomosed with nasal mucosal, a bicanalicular silicone tube was implanted, and lacrimal size and condition were assessed. The tube was removed 3mo after surgery. During the final follow-up of 12mo when the surgery was completed, the complications and the rates of surgical success were assessed. RESULTS: This study covered 40 patients (42 eyes). Intraoperatively, it was found that the lacrimal sac became small, and the sac wall had granulation and scar tissue attached to the incarcerated NDS in all eyes. At 12mo after surgery completed, the rates of the functional and anatomical success reached 80.95% (34/42) and 83.33% (35/42), respectively. Under the effect of intranasal ostial closure, seven eyes failed to achieve anatomical success. No serious complications (e.g., visual impairment, sinusitis, and orbital fat prolapse) was observed. CONCLUSION: With the success rate over 80% and no serious complications, En-DCR with bicanalicular silicone tube implantation is effective in treating chronic dacryocystitis secondary to NDS incarceration.

    • Investigation of lacrimal sac space-occupying lesions using color doppler ultrasound, computed tomography, and computed tomography dacryocystography

      2023, 16(8):1224-1230. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.06

      Abstract (254) HTML (0) PDF 4.82 M (599) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To observe the imaging features of color Doppler ultrasound (CDU) and computed tomography (CT) or computed tomography dacryocystography (CT-DCG) in different types of lacrimal sac space-occupying lesions (SOLs). METHODS: This retrospective case series study included 21 patients with lacrimal sac SOLs who underwent lacrimal sac surgery between January 2018 and March 2022. The imaging features of CDU and CT or CT-DCG in these patients were extracted from the examination cloud system. The images were observed and analyzed. RESULTS: The detection rate of lacrimal SOLs between CDU (21/21, 100%) and CT or CT-DCG (20/21, 95.2%) had no statistically significant difference (P=1.0). CDU could detect the blood flow signals in all SOLs except mucocele and mucopeptide concretion. Among them, polyps had characteristic imaging changes on CDU and CT-DCG. The mucoceles and mucopeptide concretions had characteristic imaging changes on CDU, which could provide more information for differential diagnosis. CONCLUSION: The morphology and internal blood flow signals of lacrimal sac SOLs can be observed using CDU. CT or CT-DCG has advantages in observing structural damage around the lacrimal sac mass. Therefore, CDU may be used as a routine examination to exclude lacrimal sac SOLs before dacryocystorhinostomy in the absence of preoperative CT or CT-DCG.

    • Rotational stability of plate haptic toric intraocular lenses after combined 25-gauge vitrectomy and cataract surgery

      2023, 16(8):1231-1236. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.07

      Abstract (331) HTML (0) PDF 1021.60 K (704) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To evaluate the postoperative intraocular lens (IOL) rotational stability and residual refractive astigmatism following combined 25-gauge vitrectomy and cataract surgery with implantation of a plate haptic toric IOL. METHODS: In this retrospective case series, 32 eyes of 32 patients underwent a combined 25-gauge vitrectomy and phacoemulsification for vitreoretinal diseases and cataract with regular corneal astigmatism of at least 1 diopter (D). A plate haptic toric IOL (AT Torbi 709M, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG) was implanted in all eyes. The outcome measures were rotational stability and refractive astigmatism up to 6mo postoperatively as well as the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA). RESULTS: Preoperative refractive astigmatism was 2.14±1.17 D, which was significantly reduced to 0.77±0.37 D six to eight weeks postoperatively and remained stable throughout the observation period (0.67±0.44 D at three months and 0.75±0.25 D at six months; for all groups: P<0.0001 compared to baseline). BCVA improved significantly from 0.36±0.33 logMAR preoperatively to 0.10±0.15 logMAR following surgery (P=0.02). Mean IOL axis deviation from the target axis was 3.4°±2.9° after six to eight weeks and significantly decreased over time (2.4°±2.6° six months after surgery; P=0.04). In one patient IOL, re-alignment was performed. CONCLUSION: Corneal astigmatism is significantly reduced following combined 25-gauge vitrectomy and cataract surgery. The plate haptic toric IOL position and axis remain stable during the observation period of six months.

    • A new software for automated counting of glistenings in intraocular lenses in vivo

      2023, 16(8):1237-1242. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.08

      Abstract (300) HTML (0) PDF 1.47 M (559) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To assess the performance of a bespoke software for automated counting of intraocular lens (IOL) glistenings in slit-lamp images. METHODS: IOL glistenings from slit-lamp-derived digital images were counted manually and automatically by the bespoke software. The images of one randomly selected eye from each of 34 participants were used as a training set to determine the threshold setting that gave the best agreement between manual and automatic grading. A second set of 63 images, selected using randomised stratified sampling from 290 images, were used for software validation. The images were obtained using a previously described protocol. Software-derived automated glistenings counts were compared to manual counts produced by three ophthalmologists. RESULTS: A threshold value of 140 was determined that minimised the total deviation in the number of glistenings for the 34 images in the training set. Using this threshold value, only slight agreement was found between automated software counts and manual expert counts for the validating set of 63 images (κ=0.104, 95%CI, 0.040-0.168). Ten images (15.9%) had glistenings counts that agreed between the software and manual counting. There were 49 images (77.8%) where the software overestimated the number of glistenings. CONCLUSION: The low levels of agreement show between an initial release of software used to automatically count glistenings in in vivo slit-lamp images and manual counting indicates that this is a non-trivial application. Iterative improvement involving a dialogue between software developers and experienced ophthalmologists is required to optimise agreement. The results suggest that validation of software is necessary for studies involving semi-automatic evaluation of glistenings.

    • Efficacy and safety of latanoprost/timolol fixed combination dosed twice daily compared to once daily in patients with primary open angle glaucoma

      2023, 16(8):1243-1249. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.09

      Abstract (370) HTML (0) PDF 777.27 K (588) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To evaluate whether latanoprost/timolol fixed combination (LTFC) dosed twice daily may provide further intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction and evaluate the safety profile at this dose. METHODS: This is an open-labeled, randomized, prospective crossover study on fourty primary open angle glaucoma patients. Two weeks of washout period were followed by randomization to either once daily (OD, group A) or twice daily dosing (BD, group B) of LTFC for 4wk. After another 2-week washout period, the patients’ treatment dose was crossed-over for another 4wk. IOP reduction alongside ocular and systemic side effects were evaluated. RESULTS: Mean baseline IOP was 18.57±2.93 and 17.8±3.01 mm Hg before OD and BD dose respectively, (P=0.27). Mean IOP after BD dose was statistically lower (12.49±1.59 mm Hg) compared to OD (13.48±1.81 mm Hg, P=0.017). Although IOP reduction after BD dose was more (5.32±3.24 mm Hg, 29.89%) than after OD dosing (5.04 mm Hg, 27.14%), it did not reach statistical significance (P=0.68). Patients switched from OD to BD (group A) showed mean IOP reduction by 0.69 mm Hg [95% confidence interval (CI): -0.09 to 1.48 mm Hg, P=0.078]; but patients switched from BD to OD (group B) had significantly higher mean IOP by 1.25 mm Hg (95%CI: -2.04 to -0.46 mm Hg, P=0.006). BD dose had more ocular side effects albeit mild. CONCLUSION: Mean IOP after LTFC dosed twice daily is statistically lower, with additional mild side effects.

    • Syphilitic uveitis in HIV-positive patients: report of a case series, treatment outcomes, and comprehensive review of the literature

      2023, 16(8):1250-1259. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.10

      Abstract (401) HTML (0) PDF 2.66 M (748) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To report the clinical characteristics, treatment and outcomes of active syphilitic uveitis in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive patients and compare them with the previously published data. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of the case series from an infectious disease center in southern China was conducted. Comprehensive review of previously published cases of HIV positive syphilitic uveitis was conducted using the PubMed and Web of Science databases and the references listed in the identified articles. RESULTS: Twelve HIV positive patients with active syphilitic uveitis were collected. All were male, with age of 36.3y (range 27 to 53y). Five (41.7%) had a history of syphilis, and three of them had received anti-syphilis treatment. Ocular manifestations included corneal epithelial defect (13%), complicated cataract (17.4%), vitreous opacity (82.6%), optic disc edema (26.1%), macular edema (30.4%), neuro-retinitis (43.5%), and retinal hemorrhage (26.1%). After standardized syphilitic treatment, intraocular inflammation was reduced and vision improved in all cases. The literature review summarizes 105 previously reported cases of HIV positive syphilitic uveitis. High serum rapid plasma regain (RPR) titers may be associated with severe uveitis and poor vision. Treatment with penicillin, ceftriaxone sodium, or penicillin plus benzylpenicillin instead of using benzylpenicillin alone can significantly improve best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in HIV positive ocular syphilis patients. CONCLUSION: For HIV positive syphilitic uveitis patients, prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment and follow-up are paramount. In our series, the clinical manifestations are diverse. Syphilis patients treated by penicillin G or long-acting penicillin before may still develop syphilitic uveitis. Patients who relapse after long-term penicillin treatment can still benefit from penicillin G.

    • Correlation between diabetic retinopathy and Helicobacter pylori infection: a cross-sectional retrospective study

      2023, 16(8):1260-1267. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.11

      Abstract (265) HTML (0) PDF 724.47 K (815) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To explore the correlation between diabetic retinopathy (DR) and Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection, based on data from a physical examination population. METHODS: This cross-sectional retrospective analysis included data of 73 824 health examination participants from December 2018 to December 2019. Participants were divided into the diabetic group and non-diabetic group, non-diabetic retinopathy (NDR) group, non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) group, proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) group, and Hp infection group. Gender, age, body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and Hp data were recorded to compare the degree of DR lesions and Hp infection. Logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the correlation between DR and Hp infection. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference between the diabetic and non-diabetic group (χ2=94.17, P<0.0001). Logistic regression analysis showed that male sex, age, BMI, SBP, TG, LDL-C, and Hp infection were independent risk factors for DR. There was no correlation between the degree of DR lesions and Hp infection (ρ=-0.00339, P=0.7753). Age [odds ratio (OR)=1.035, 95%CI: 1.024, 1.046, P<0.0001] and SBP (OR=1.009, 95%CI: 1.004, 1.015, P=0.0013) were independent risk factors for the degree of DR. CONCLUSION: There is a significant correlation between DR and Hp infection in the physical examination population. Hp infection is a risk factor for DR, and there is no significant difference between Hp infection and DR of different pathological degrees. Actively eradicating Hp may be of help to prevent DR.

    • Identification of retinal thickness and blood flow in age-related macular degeneration with reticular pseudodrusen

      2023, 16(8):1268-1273. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.12

      Abstract (408) HTML (0) PDF 1.75 M (667) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To investigate thickness characteristics and vascular plexuses in retinas with reticular pseudodrusen (RPD) as an early detection strategy for age-related macular degeneration (AMD). METHODS: This retrospective study included 24 subjects (33 eyes) with RPD and 25 heathy control subjects (34 eyes). The superficial capillary plexus (SCP) and the deep capillary plexus (DCP) of the retinal posterior poles were investigated with optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA). Retinal thicknesses and vessel densities were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: The general retinal thicknesses of RPD eyes were significantly decreased (95%CI -14.080, -0.655; P=0.032). The vessel densities of DCP in RPD eyes were significantly increased in the global (95%CI 1.067, 7.312; P=0.027), parafoveal (95%CI 0.417, 5.241; P=0.022), and perifoveal (95%CI 0.181, 6.842; P=0.039) quadrants. However, the vessel densities of the SCP were rarely increased in the eyes with RPD. CONCLUSION: The thinning of retinas in the RPD group suggests a reduction in the number of cells. Additionally, the increased vessel density of the DCP in retinas with RPD indicates a greater demand for blood supply, possibly due to the hypoxia induced RPD compensation caused by RPD in the outer retina. This study highlights the pathological risks associated with RPD and emphasizes the importance of early intervention to retard the progression of AMD.

    • Clinical and genetic characteristics of retinoblastoma patients in a single center with four novel RB1 variants

      2023, 16(8):1274-1279. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.13

      Abstract (339) HTML (0) PDF 601.44 K (611) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To assess the clinical and genetic characteristics of children diagnosed with retinoblastoma (RB) at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine’s Department of Pediatric Oncology. METHODS: All cases diagnosed with RB and received treatment and follow-up in the Ophthalmology and Pediatric Oncology Department, October 2016 to May 2021 were evaluated retrospectively. The RB1 gene was analyzed by next-generation sequencing (NGS) technique in DNAs obtained from peripheral blood samples of the patients. RESULTS: This study included 53 cases with 67 RB-affected eyes during the study period. The mean age was 24.6 (median: 18.5, range: 3–151)mo. There were 15 (22.3%) Group D eyes and 39 (58.2%) Group E eyes. The RB1 gene was sequenced by the NGS method in 19 patients. Heterozygous RB1:NM_000321.3: c.54_76del (p.Glu19AlafsTer4) variant was detected in a 15-month-old female with bilateral RB. Heterozygous RB1:NM_000321.3: c.1814+3A>T variant was detected in a 5.5-month-old male with bilateral RB. The intronic RB1:NM_000321.3: c.1332+4A>G variant was detected in patient 14, a 13-month-old male with unilateral RB. The RB1:NM_000321.3: c.575_576del (p.Lys192SerfsTer10) variant was found in an 18-month-old female with an allele frequency of 37%. These variants have not been reported in the literature and mutation databases. CONCLUSION: Four novel variants are described and one of them is found in two different patients. This data is crucial for assessing prognosis. It serves as a guide for estimating the long-term risk of secondary malignancy as well as the short-term risk of developing additional malignancies in the same eye and the other eye.

    • One-year clinical efficacy evaluation of selective corneal wavefront aberration-guided FS-LASIK correction in patients with high myopia

      2023, 16(8):1280-1286. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.14

      Abstract (275) HTML (0) PDF 1.23 M (616) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness, safety, predictability, precision and changes of higher-order aberrations (HOAs) on corneal front surface of selective corneal wavefront aberration-guided femtosecond laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (CW-FS-LASIK) in patients with high myopia 1-year postoperatively. METHODS: Totally 74 eyes of 37 patients with high myopia or myopic astigmatism in both the eyes who underwent the CW-FS-LASIK procedure in Xi’an Gaoxin Hospital from January 2021 to June 2021 were included. The changes of uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), spherical equivalent refraction (SER), astigmatism, HOAs and Strehl ratio (SR) on the anterior surface of the cornea after 1y of the surgery were analyzed. RESULTS: At postoperative 1y, the UDVA (logMAR) of 74 eyes (100%) reached 0 or better, including 0 in 8 eyes (10.81%), -0.1 in 45 eyes (60.81%), and -0.2 in 21 eyes (28.38%). The effectiveness index was 1.29±0.134. There was no decrease in postoperative BCVA compared with preoperative BCVA in all patients. Postoperative BCVA was the same in 44 eyes (59.46%) as preoperative BCVA, increased by 1 line in 23 eyes (31.08%) and increased by 2 lines in 7 eyes (9.46%) compared with preoperative BCVA. The safety index was 1.11±0.159. The estimated corrected SER before surgery was (-7.76±1.21) D, and the actual corrected SER was (-7.83±1.25) D (Y=0.9811X+0.2156, R2=0.9084). There was a high correlation between the estimated corrected SER and the actual corrected SER. The postoperative SER in 74 eyes (100%) was within ±0.75 D. The postoperative astigmatism of all was within -0.75 D to 0. Root mean square (RMS) HOAs of spherical aberration and SR within 5 mm of the corneal front surface were all increased compared with those before operation (P<0.01). The total coma, horizontal coma and vertical coma were all decreased compared with those before operation (P<0.01). There was no statistically significant difference in horizontal trefoil and vertical trefoil compared with preoperative ones (P>0.05). CONCLUSION: Selective CW-FS-LASIK for correction of high myopia is effective, safe, predictive, and accurate. For patients with preoperative RMS HOAs over 0.25 defocus equivalent, postoperative coma aberration can be significantly reduced, and SR value can be increased, thus corneal imaging quality can be improved.

    • Effect of changing mesopic and photopic light conditions on visual functions

      2023, 16(8):1287-1292. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.15

      Abstract (344) HTML (0) PDF 718.08 K (623) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To determine the effects of change in light conditions on refractive error and visual functions including visual acuity, stereopsis and contrast sensitivity. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the optometry clinic of the Shahid Beheshti School of Rehabilitation on 48 students in 2021-2022. All of them had eye health and normal visual function and could have refractive errors or not. Light intensity of 4 lx was considered equivalent to photopic light condition and light intensity of 1 lx was considered to be equivalent to mesopic light condition. The amount of refractive error was checked by auto refractometer and its changes in mesopic light condition were subjectively measured. Also, visual acuity, stereopsis and contrast sensitivity (in five spatial frequencies of 1.5, 3, 6, 12, and 18 cycles per degree), were measured first in photopic light condition and then in mesopic light condition, by Snellen control vision chart, stereo butterfly test and the M&S technology monitor test respectively. RESULTS: In the 48 student subjects with an average age of 22.69±3.56y, mean of refractive error as sphere equivalent, visual acuity and stereopsis were -1.25±1.74 diopters, 0 logMAR, 44.37±13.03 seconds of arc, respectively in photopic light condition while in mesopic light was equal to -1.56±1.75 diopters, 0.12±0.09 logMAR and 50.62±33.35 seconds of arc, respectively. The mean of contrast sensitivity measured at spatial frequencies of 1.5, 3, 6, 12, and 18 cycles per degree in photopic condition was equal to 2.38±0.04, 2.37±0.07, 2.04±0.21, 1.27±0.32, 0.82±0.27 logarithm of contrast sensitivity, respectively and in mesopic lighting condition was equal to 2.34±0.12, 2.30±0.16, 1.84±0.28, 1.02±0.28, 0.63±0.24 logarithm of contrast sensitivity, respectively. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the two lighting conditions in all evaluated variables [refractive error (P<0.001), visual acuity (P<0.001), stereopsis (P=0.008) and contrast sensitivity (P<0.001)]. CONCLUSION: The refractive error of the student subjects in mesopic light condition change towards myopia, and its amount is clinically significant. Also, the examination and comparison of the factors of visual acuity, stereopsis and contrast sensitivity in these two lighting conditions show that the decrease in brightness level to the mesopic level causes a decrease in the aforementioned visual functions.

    • Orbital liposarcoma: a retrospective, single-center study of thirteen patients

      2023, 16(8):1293-1298. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.16

      Abstract (248) HTML (0) PDF 2.68 M (653) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To explore the clinical and pathological characteristics of thirteen patients with orbital liposarcoma. METHODS: The clinical history data of thirteen patients diagnosed as orbital liposarcoma at Beijing Tongren Hospital, from 2006 to 2021 were collected and analyzed. The data includes age, gender, affected orbital side, course of disease, status of disease (primary or recurrent), clinical manifestations, preoperative visual acuity, operative treatment, the relations between liposarcoma and surrounding tissue, longest diameter of liposarcoma, histological subtype, immunohistochemical indicators, follow-up treatment and prognosis. RESULTS: The initial symptoms are diverse. Proptosis is the most frequent chief complaint and the others included vision loss, epiphora, diplopia, and eyelid palpable mass. Results of imaging examination [computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)] showed orbital mass. In terms of treatment, 10 patients received tumor resection, and the mean longest diameter of the tumor was 3.39±1.36 cm. The other 3 patients had optic nerve invaded, so they received orbital exenteration. Pathological examination results confirmed the diagnose of liposarcoma for 13 patients. Six patients displayed as myxoid type, and three patients in each type of dedifferentiated and well-differentiated type. One patient was verified as pleomorphic, which was a rare type of liposarcoma. All of the patients showed Vimentin positive, and most showed CD34 and S-100 positive. Besides, four patients showed smooth muscle actin positive. All thirteen patients were alive. CONCLUSION: Orbital liposarcoma is a rare disease and it has no specific clinical manifestation. The diagnosis of liposarcoma should be considered when proptosis and orbital mass occurred in orbit. It is recommended to perform pathological examination to achieve early detection and early treatment.

    • >Investigation
    • Exploring multi-level risk factors and post-war burdens of trachomatous trichiasis among displaced population in Raya Kobo districts, implication for urgent action

      2023, 16(8):1299-1308. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.17

      Abstract (265) HTML (0) PDF 809.50 K (603) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To estimate post-war burdens of trachomatous trichiasis (TT) and multi-level risk factors among displaced population in Raya Kobo districts, implication for urgent action. METHODS: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 603 participants from randomly selected 14 displaced slums in the Raya Kobo district. The data was collected from February 16th to March 30th, 2023. Study participants were selected using the multistage sampling technique. A structured questionnaire and ophthalmic loupe with ×2.5 magnificence were used to collect from participants. Multi-level binary logistic regression was used to determine associated factors with TT infection. Adjusted odds ratio (AOR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) were claimed for the strength of association at P<0.05. RESULTS: We recruited 602 (99.9%) participants for the final analysis. From the total, 126 (20.9%) and 98 (16.3%, 95%CI: 13.5%-19.4%) participants were diagnosed with active trachoma & TT infection, respectively. Being age ≥45y (AOR=7.9, 95%CI: 2.4-25.3), having multiple eye infections (AOR=2.73, 95%CI: 1.47-5.29), poor wealth index (AOR=9.2; 95%CI: 2.7-23.7) and twice face washing per day (AOR=0.082, 95%CI: 0.03-0.21) has identified as individual as factors for TT infection. Whereas, distance between clean water source ≥10 km (AOR=6.5, 95%CI: 3.9-31.3), and latrine availability (AOR=0.35, 95%CI: 0.21-0.58) were the two community-level factors associated with TT infections. CONCLUSION: The high prevalence of TT infection post-war throughout the study districts indicates a need for urgent clinical intervention in addition to rapid scaling up surgery, antibiotics, facial cleanliness, and environmental improvement (SAFE) strategies, strategy for high-risk population. Age≥45y, distance from the clean water source, poor wealth indexes, and eye infection are identified to be risk factors for TT infection. Furthermore, community-level preventative factors for TT infection are found as latrine availability and face washing practice.

    • Auto-refraction versus subjective refraction in different phakic and pseudophakic conditions: the Tehran Geriatric Eye Study (TGES)

      2023, 16(8):1309-1316. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.18

      Abstract (314) HTML (0) PDF 1.15 M (586) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To compare the subjective refraction data with non-cycloplegic auto-refraction findings in the geriatric population above 60 years of age according to the different crystalline lens conditions. METHODS: This report is a part of the Tehran Geriatric Eye Study (TGES) that was conducted from January 2019 to January 2020 on elderly population 60 years of age and above in Tehran. The samples were selected by multi-stage stratified random cluster sampling. Of 3791 individual invitees, 3310 (response rate: 87.3%) participated in this study. All study participants underwent non-cycloplegic auto-refraction (auto-refractometer/keratometer Nidek ARK-510) and subjective refraction. RESULTS: Regarding the sphere, eyes with mixed cataract had the worst limits of agreement (LoA: -1.24 to 0.87) and the best agreement was related to the pseudophakic eyes (LoA: -0.83 to 0.54). The highest (0.27±0.31 D) and lowest (0.21±0.27 D) differences between the two methods regarding the cylinder power were observed in eyes with cortical cataract and normal eyes, respectively. The worst LoA between the two methods in measuring the cylinder power was related to the eyes with mixed cataract (LoA: -0.44 to 0.96). Regarding the J0 (horizontal/vertical components of astigmatism), the mean values of J0 obtained by auto-refraction were tended more toward against the rule direction in all crystalline lens conditions, and the two methods had the greatest difference in cortical cataract cases (0.05±0.17 D). Regarding the J45 (oblique components of astigmatism), the lowest (0±0.11 D) and highest (-0.01±0.12 D) differences were observed in normal eyes and eyes with cortical cataract, respectively. CONCLUSION: The auto-refractometer/keratometer Nidek ARK-510 results in the elderly with different phakic and pseudophakic conditions do not correspond well with subjective refraction findings. This discrepancy in spherical findings is more pronounced in individuals with mixed cataract than in other cases.

    • >Meta-Analysis
    • Efficacy and safety of ultrasound cycloplasty for the treatment of glaucoma: a Meta-analysis

      2023, 16(8):1317-1325. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.19

      Abstract (269) HTML (0) PDF 2.96 M (627) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of ultrasound cycloplasty (UCP) for glaucoma. METHODS: A comprehensive search of PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases was used to select studies met the inclusion criteria. Meta-analysis was performed by Review Manager and StataCorp LLC. RESULTS: A total of 19 articles met the inclusion criteria. Overall, UCP is effective and safe in the glaucoma treatment, the risk ratio (RR) of the success rate was 2.28 (95%CI, 1.82-2.84). After UCP, patients had a significant reduction in intraocular pressure (IOP; mm Hg), the weighted mean difference (WMD) was 11.39 (95%CI, 9.88-12.90). In addition, UCP brings fewer postoperative complications with RR of 0.30 (95%CI, 0.19-0.49). Most of the complications were short-term and mild. Postoperatively, patients’ use of IOP-lowering medications reduced, the standardized mean difference (SMD) was 0.78 (95%CI, 0.40-1.17). However, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA; logMAR) did not have obvious improvement after UCP, the WMD was 0.01 (95%CI, -0.06-0.09). This procedure does provide painfulness relief, with RR of 3.06 (95%CI, 1.95-4.81). CONCLUSION: UCP is effective and safe for suitable glaucoma. It can effectively decrease IOP in glaucoma patients, reduce the patients’ dependence on IOP-lowering medications after surgery, relief the painfulness and has fewer long-term or severe postoperative complications, but the BCVA did not improve much.

    • Efficacy and safety of atropine at different concentrations in prevention of myopia progression in Asian children: a systematic review and Meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

      2023, 16(8):1326-1336. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.20

      Abstract (429) HTML (0) PDF 2.29 M (1180) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To assess the efficacy versus the adverse effects of various concentrations of atropine in the prevention of myopia in Asian children. METHODS: Databases (PubMed, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library and Web of science) were comprehensively searched from inception to April 2022. Types of studies included were randomized clinical trials (RCTs). The published languages were limited to English. Two researchers assessed the quality of included studies independently using Cochrane risk of bias tool based on the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Funnel plots and Egger’s test were used for detection of publication bias. Meta-analyses were conducted using STATA (version 15.0; StataCorp). RESULTS: A total of 15 RCTs involving 2268 patients were included in the study. In the atropine group, spherical equivalent progressed at a significantly lower rate [weighted mean difference (WMD)=0.39, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.23, 0.54] than in the control group. A WMD of 0.15 mm was associated with less axial elongation (95%CI -0.19, -0.10). Different doses showed statistically significant differences (P<0.05) and an improved effect could result from a higher concentration. Changes in photopic pupil size and mesopic pupil size in atropine group is 0.70 mm (95%CI: 0.33, 1.06) and 0.38 mm (95%CI: 0.22, 0.54) more than the control group. In the present Meta-analysis, no changes in accommodative amplitude (AA) were associated with atropine administration. Atropine administration increased the risk of adverse effects by 1.37 times. CONCLUSION: Concentrations of less than 1% atropine are able to effectively retard diopter and axis growth of myopia in Asian children in a dose-dependent manner. Meanwhile, it caused pupil enlargement, but induced no change in the AA within this range. Further study is required to determine the dosage needed to achieve maximum efficacy and minimal side effects.

    • >Review Article
    • A novel terminologic “naming-meshing” system using anterior chamber sedimentation for early diagnosis and prompt treatment of ocular or systemic diseases: is it hypopyon or pseudohypopyon?

      2023, 16(8):1337-1349. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.21

      Abstract (267) HTML (0) PDF 3.07 M (692) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A novel, algorithmic “naming-meshing” system was introduced for the distinction of hypopyon from pseudohypopyon to make an early diagnosis and prompt treatment of anterior chamber collection standardized to encompass all sediment characteristics. For this reason, a literature review of “hypopyon” and “pseudohypopyon” was conducted in MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science from 1966 to May 15, 2023. Two issues were clarified: 1) which strategies should the ophthalmologist follow when asked to evaluate an eye with anterior chamber sedimentation to distinguish hypopyon from pseudohypopyon, and 2) in which systemic disorders should a non-ophthalmologist order a prompt ophthalmic consultation to distinguish pseudohypopyon from hypopyon. Pathognomonic characteristics of the sediment were examined; scleral show (warm/cold), location (corneal/anterior chamber/capsular/posterior), visibility (macro/micro/occult-angle), orientation (horizontal/vertical/oblique), number (single/double), shape (convex/triangular/pyramidal/ring/lumpy/inverse), and color (white/yellow/pink/brown/black). Associated findings were then assessed; acute/chronic, spontaneous/provoked, unilateral/bilateral, inflammatory/non-inflammatory, suppurative (non-sterile)/non-suppurative (sterile), granulomatous/non-granulomatous, recurrent/non-recurrent, shifting/non-shifting, and transient/persistent. The type of precipitation was named (naming) and matched (meshing) to a potential list of etiologies (inflammatory, infective, therapeutic, masquerades). Given that (pseudo)hypopyon predominantly afflicts younger patients in their most productive years, clinicians supervising such patients should be aware of all sediment characteristics. The ophthalmologist should never ask non-ophthalmologists to run the full battery of tests in a patient with (pseudo)hypopyon, and rather indicate which type of collection is present, what its pathognomonic feature is, and what the most likely diagnoses to be excluded are.

    • >Brief Report
    • Diffusion tensor imaging of horizontal extraocular muscles in patients with concomitant and paralytic esotropia

      2023, 16(8):1350-1355. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.22

      Abstract (209) HTML (0) PDF 1.92 M (563) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:AIM: To assess metrics of diffusion tensor imagining (DTI) in evaluating microstructural abnormalities of horizontal extraocular muscles (EOM) in esotropia. METHODS: Six adult concomitant esotropia patients, 5 unilateral abducent paralysis patients and 2 healthy volunteers were enrolled. Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and DTI were performed on all subjects using 3T MR scanner. Fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD), and radial diffusivity (RD) of medial and lateral rectus muscles were measured and compared between patients group and control group. RESULTS: Medial rectus MD and RD within the adducted eye of concomitant patients was significantly greater than that in unilateral abducent paralysis patients (0.259×10-2 mm2/s vs 0.207×10-2 mm2/s, P=0.014; 0.182×10-2 mm2/s vs 0.152×10-2 mm2/s, P=0.017). Both strabismus patients showed a significantly decreased MD and AD than that obtained in normal controls for lateral rectus muscles (P<0.05). Medial rectus MD of the adducted eye in concomitant strabismus patients was significantly decreased than that in healthy controls (0.259×10-2 mm2/s vs 0.266×10-2 mm2/s, P=0.010). Lateral rectus AD of the adducted eye in concomitant strabismus patients was significantly decreased as compared with that in healthy controls (0.515×10-2 mm2/s vs 0.593×10-2 mm2/s, P=0.013). No statistically significant differences were present between the adducted and fixating eyes in concomitant strabismus patients. CONCLUSION: DTI represents a feasible technique to assess tissue characteristics of EOM. The effects of eye position changes on DTI parameters are subtle. Decreased MD and RD could be evidence for remodeling of the medial rectus muscle contracture. Lower medial and lateral recuts MD of concomitant esotropia patients indicates a thinner fibrous structure of the EOM. Lower MD and AD should be general character of esotropia.

    • >Comment
    • Comment on: Bibliometric analysis of glaucoma-related literature based on SCIE database: a 10-year literature analysis from 2009 to 2018

      2023, 16(8):1356-1356. DOI: 10.18240/ijo.2023.08.23

      Abstract (313) HTML (0) PDF 308.76 K (573) Comment (0) Favorites


Editors-in-Chief: Yan-Nian Hui and Peter Wiedemann

Established in April, 2008

ISSN 2222-3959 print

ISSN 2227-4898 online

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