目的:观察玻璃体腔注射康柏西普治疗慢性中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变(central serous chorioretinopathy,CSC)的临床疗效。
方法:选取2015-10/2016-05我院门诊确诊的9例9眼慢性CSC患者,给予玻璃体腔注射0.5mg/0.05mL康柏西普治疗(其中6眼1mo后再次给予相同剂量的玻璃体腔注射)。注射后第1、2、6mo随访观察,观察指标包括治疗前后的最佳矫正视力(best-corrected visual acuity,BCVA)、眼压、OCT、眼底血管荧光素造影(fundus fluoresceine angiography,FFA)、脉络膜吲哚菁绿血管造影(indocyanine green angiography,ICGA)、黄斑中心凹厚度(central macular thickness,CMT)、黄斑中心凹下脉络膜厚度(subfoveal choroidal thickness,SFCT)。
[Key word]
AIM:To observe the efficacy of intravitreal conbercept injection for chronic central serous chorioretinopathy(CSC).
METHODS: Nine eyes of 9 patients diagnosed as chronic CSC between October 2015 to May 2016 were treated with an intravitreal injection of conbercept(0.5mg/0.05mL)(six patients were given the same does of intravitreal injection again at 1mo after the first injection). Follow-up observation was at 1, 2, and 6mo after injection. Observed indicators included best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA), intraocular pressure, optical coherence tomography(OCT), fundus fluorescein angiography(FFA), choroidal indocyanine green angiography(ICGA), macular fovea thickness(CMT), subfoveal choroidal thickness(SFCT).
RESULTS:Seven of the 9 patients responded significantly to the drug, while 2 patients had no response. The CMT was 373.12±72.43μm at baseline, which decreased significantly to 332.05±67.13μm, 282.24±62.30μm and 225.56±71.08μm at 1, 2 and 6mo after the intravitreal injection. The mean thickness of SFCT was 422.11±64.82μm before treatment. The choroidal thickness of non-responsive patients before treatment was below average, respectively 353μm and 365μm. The SFCT of 1, 2, and 6mo after treatment was 391.45±75.24μm, 365.53±63.07μm, 355.40±66.65μm. Before treatment and 1mo after, there was no significant difference(P=0.074), but there was statistically significant(P<0.01)between those of before and 2mo and 6mo after. The mean BCVA of the prior treatment was 0.53±0.32, the after treatment was 0.65±0.20, there was no different between the two(P>0.05).
CONCLUSION: Intravitreal conbercept injection in chronic CSC may have some effect in accelerating subertinal fluid resolution and decreasing the CMT. The SFCT within 6mo after treatment was significantly lower than pretreatment. The SFCT may be an indicator of whether patients respond.